Matthew Henry Quotes

Text Quotes
Note, Religion teaches good manners, and obliges us to give honour to those to whom honour is due (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Let no man go beyond or defraud his brother, for, though it be hidden from man, it will be found that God is the avenger of all such (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Those whom God employs to speak for him ought to depend upon him for instructions, and it shall be given them what they shall speak (Matthew Henry Quotes)
The honour of being admitted into communion with God, and of being employed for him, does not exempt us from the duties of our relations and callings in this world (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Those that look with contempt upon worldly honours shall be recompensed with the honour that cometh from God, which is the true honour (Matthew Henry Quotes)
As men deal with God's people, let them expect to be themselves dealt with; with the froward he will wrestle (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Omissions are sins, and must come into judgment, and particularly the contempt and neglect of the seals of the covenant (Matthew Henry Quotes)
The providence of God is to be acknowledged in the comfortable meeting of relations and friends (Matthew Henry Quotes)
God will own his own people, though ever so poor and despicable, and will find a time to plead their cause (Matthew Henry Quotes)
God's time to help is when things are at the worst; and Providence verifies the paradox, The worse the better (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Even when God is coming towards his people in ways of mercy, he sometimes takes such methods as that they may think themselves but ill treated (Matthew Henry Quotes)
The covenants God makes he establishes; they are made as firm as the power and truth of God can make them (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Communion with God and serviceableness to his church are things that, above any other, put true honour upon men (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Note, Our sorrow upon any account is sinful and inordinate when it diverts us from our duty to God and embitters our comfort in him (Matthew Henry Quotes)
It is a thing to be regretted (and prevented, if possible) that a whole nation should be ruined for the pride and obstinacy of its princes (Matthew Henry Quotes)
When men drive God's word from them he justly permits their delusions, and answers them according to the multitude of their idols (Matthew Henry Quotes)
One way or other, God will give redress to the injured, who in a humble silence commit their cause to him (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Is a great vexation to the spirits of good ministers to see people deaf to all the fair warnings given them, and running headlong upon ruin, notwithstanding all the kind methods taken to prevent it (Matthew Henry Quotes)
When our heads are fullest of care, and our hands of business, yet we must not forget our religion, nor suffer ourselves to be indisposed for acts of devotion (Matthew Henry Quotes)
If the blood of Christ be sprinkled upon our consciences, it will be our protection from the wrath of God, the curse of the law, and the damnation of hell, Rom. 8: 1 (Matthew Henry Quotes)
When God gives law to us, we must give honour to him; when he speaks, we must bow our heads and worship (Matthew Henry Quotes)
The perfecting of God's mercies to us must be waited for in a humble observance of his institutions (Matthew Henry Quotes)
God's word will stand, and we shall get nothing by disputing it, or delaying to submit to it (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Those that are enemies to God's church are enemies to themselves, and, sooner or later, they will be made to see it (Matthew Henry Quotes)
There were always those among the Israelites that were not Israelites, and there are still hypocrites in the church, who make a deal of mischief, but will be shaken off at last (Matthew Henry Quotes)
We must retain the remembrance of God's works, that we may remain under the influence of God's law (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Children should be directed and encouraged to ask their parents questions concerning the things of God, a practice which would be perhaps of all others the most profitable way of catechising (Matthew Henry Quotes)
God proportions his people's trials to their strength, and will not suffer them to be tempted above what they are able, 1 Cor. 10: 13 (Matthew Henry Quotes)
What seems to tend to the church's ruin is often overruled to the ruin of the church's enemies, whose pride and malice are fed by Providence, that they may be ripened for destruction (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Those that in good earnest set their faces heavenward, and will live godly in Christ Jesus, must expect to be set upon by Satan's temptations and terrors (Matthew Henry Quotes)