Matthew Henry Quotes

Text Quotes
Many a dangerous temptation comes to us in fine gay colors that are but skin deep (Matthew Henry Quotes)
It was a common saying among the Puritans, brown bread and the Gospel is good fare (Matthew Henry Quotes)
No creature hath the like resemblance to the divine nature, as light hath. He doth not only dwell in light, but he is light. Light is a pure, bright, clear, spiritual, unmixed substance. God is infinitely so (Matthew Henry Quotes)
A garment that is double dyed, dipped again and again, will retain the color a great while; so a truth which is the subject of meditation (Matthew Henry Quotes)
The sentences in the book of providence are sometimes long, and you must read a great way before you understand their meaning (Matthew Henry Quotes)
I shall be supplied with whatever I need; and, if I have not everything I desire, I may conclude it is either not fit for me, or I shall have it in due time (Matthew Henry Quotes)
It is better to get wisdom than gold. Gold is another’s, wisdom is our own; gold is for the body and time, wisdom for the soul and eternity (Matthew Henry Quotes)
... when we cannot do the good we would, we must be ready to do the good we can (Matthew Henry Quotes)
He whose head is in heaven need not fear to put his feet into the grave (Matthew Henry Quotes)
It is good news, worthy of all acceptation; and yet not too good to be true (Matthew Henry Quotes)
None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see (Matthew Henry Quotes)
So great was the extremity of his pain and anguish, that he did not only sigh but roar (Matthew Henry Quotes)
There is a burden of care in getting riches; fear in keeping them; temptation in using them; guilt in abusing them; sorrow in losing them; and a burden of account at last to be given concerning them (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Some people do not like to hear much of repentance; but I think it is so necessary that if I should die in the pulpit, I would desire to die preaching repentance, and if out of the pulpit I would desire to die practicing it (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Pride is at the bottom of a great many errors and corruptions, and even of many evil practices, which have a great show and appearance of humility (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Tears are a tribute to our deceased friends. When the body is sown, it must be watered. But we must not sorrow as those that have no hope; for we have a good hope through grace both concerning them and concerning ourselves (Matthew Henry Quotes)
What we count the ills of life are often blessings in disguise, resulting in good to us in the end. Though for the present not joyous but grievous, yet, if received in a right spirit, they work out fruits of righteousness for us at last (Matthew Henry Quotes)
God has wisely kept us in the dark concerning future events and reserved for himself the knowledge of them, that he may train us up in a dependence upon himself and a continued readiness for every event (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Man takes great pains to heap up riches, and they are like heaps of manure in the furrows of the field, good for nothing unless they be spread (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Those who teach by their doctrine must teach by their life, or else they pull down with one hand what they build up with the other (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Everlasting life is a jewel of too great a value to be purchased by the wealth of this world (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Prayer is the breath of the new man, drawing in the air of mercy in petitions, and returning it in praises; it proves and maintains the spiritual life (Matthew Henry Quotes)
The flower of youth never appears more beautiful than when it bends toward the sun of righteousness (Matthew Henry Quotes)
A modest dress is a very good thing, if it be the genuine indication of a humble heart, and is to instruct; but it is a bad thing if it be the hypocritical disguise of a proud ambitious heart, and is to deceive. Let men be really as good as they seem to be, but not seem to be better than really they are (Matthew Henry Quotes)
Prayer is a salve for every sore, a remedy for every malady; and when we are afflicted with thorns in the flesh, we should give ourselves to prayer. If an answer be not given to the first prayer, nor to the second, we are to continue praying. Troubles are sent to teach us to pray; and are continued, to teach us to continue instant in prayer (Matthew Henry Quotes)