Maurice Sendak Quotes

Text Quotes
When Mozart is playing in my room, I am in conjunction with something I can’t explain... I don’t need to. I know that if there’s a purpose for life, it was for me to hear Mozart (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
You cannot write for children They’re much too complicated. You can only write books that are of interest to them (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
You know who my gods are, who I believe in fervently? Herman Melville, Emily Dickinson - she’s probably the top - Mozart, Shakespeare, Keats. These are wonderful gods who have gotten me through the narrow straits of life (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I’m scared of watching a TV show about vampires. I can’t fall asleep (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I remember how much - when I was a small boy I was taken to see a version of ‘Peter Pan.’ I detested it. I mean, the sentimental idea that anybody would want to remain a boy (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
Each month is gay, Each season nice, When eating Chicken soup With rice (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I think it is unnatural to think that there is such a thing as a blue-sky, white-clouded happy childhood for anybody. Childhood is a very, very tricky business of surviving it. Because if one thing goes wrong or anything goes wrong, and usually something goes wrong, then you are compromised as a human being. You’re going to trip over that for a good part of your life (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
Children are tough, though we tend to think of them as fragile. They have to be tough. Childhood is not easy. We sentimentalize children, but they know what’s real and what’s not. They understand metaphor and symbol. If children are different from us, they are more spontaneous. Grown-up lives have become overlaid with dross (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
One of the few graces of getting old-and God knows there are few graces-is that if you’ve worked hard and kept your nose to the grindstone, something happens: The body gets old but the creative mechanism is refreshed, smoothed and oiled and honed. That is the grace. That is what’s happening to me (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
Inside all of us is HOPE. Inside all of us is FEAR. Inside all of us is ADVENTURE. Inside all of us is A WILD THING (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
If children are different from us, they are more spontaneous. Grown-up lives have become overlaid with dross (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
William Blake really is important, my cornerstone. Nobody ever told me before he did that childhood was such a damned serious business (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
People from New York have been calling, to see if I’m still alive. When I answer the phone, you can hear the disappointment in their voice. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
Bumble-Ardy is a very wicked little child as far as I’m concerned. He’s not to be trusted. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
We’re animals. We’re violent. We’re criminal. We’re not so far away from the gorillas and the apes, those beautiful creatures. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
My big concern is me and what do I do now until the time of my death. That is valid. That is useful. That is beautiful. That is creative. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I’m totally crazy, I know that. I don’t say that to be a smartass, but I know that that’s the very essence of what makes my work good. And I know my work is good. Not everybody likes it, that’s fine. I don’t do it for everybody. Or anybody. I do it because I can’t not do it. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I think people should be given a test much like driver’s tests as to whether they’re capable of being parents! (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
Kids don’t know about best sellers. They go for what they enjoy. They aren’t star chasers and they don’t suck up. It’s why I like them. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
Parents shouldn’t assume children are made out of sugar candy and will break and collapse instantly. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I want to be alone and work until the day my heads hits the drawing table and I’m dead. Kaput. I feel very much like I want to be with my brother and sister again. They’re nowhere. I know they’re nowhere and they don’t exist, but if nowhere means that’s where they are, that’s where I want to be. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I can’t believe I’ve turned into a typical old man. I can’t believe it. I was young just minutes ago. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I cry a lot because I miss people. They die and I can’t stop them. They leave me and I love them more. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
In plain terms, a child is a complicated creature who can drive you crazy. There’s a cruelty to childhood, there’s an anger. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I do not remember any proper children’s books in my childhood. I was not exposed to them. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
Children surviving childhood is my obsessive theme and my life’s concern, (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I never set out to write books for children. I don’t have a feeling that I’m gonna save children or my life is devoted. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
We’re supposed to be civilized. We’re supposed to go to work every day. We’re supposed to be nice to our friends and send Christmas cards to our parents. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I really don’t like the city anymore. You get pushed and harassed and people grope you. It’s too tumultuous. It’s too crazy. (Maurice Sendak Quotes)
I’m not Hans Christian Anderson. Nobody’s gonna make a statue in the park with a lot of scrambling kids climbing up me. I won’t have it, okay? (Maurice Sendak Quotes)