Max Stirner Quotes
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Text Quotes
The people’s good fortune is my misfortune! (Max Stirner Quotes)
The people is dead! Good-day, Self! (Max Stirner Quotes)
Only the free and personal man is a good citizen (realist), and even with the lack of particular (scholarly, artistic, etc)culture, a tasteful judge (humanist). (Max Stirner Quotes)
Yes, yes, children must early be made to practise piety, godliness, and propriety; a person of good breeding is one into whom ‘good maxims’ have been instilled and impressed, poured in through a funnel, thrashed in and preached in. (Max Stirner Quotes)
Whoever will be free must make himself free. Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man’s lap. What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one’s self. (Max Stirner Quotes)
Now why, if freedom is striven after for love of the I after all - why not choose the I himself as beginning, middle, and end? (Max Stirner Quotes)
Christianity has aimed to deliver us from a life determined by nature, from the appetites as actuating us, and so has meant that man should not let himself be determined by his appetites. (Max Stirner Quotes)
Before the sacred, people lose all sense of power and all confidence; they occupy a powerless and humble attitude toward it. And yet no thing is sacred of itself, but by my declaring it sacred, by my declaration, my judgment, my bending the knee; in short, by my - conscience. (Max Stirner Quotes)
Before the sacred, people lost all sense of power and all confidence; they occupy a powerless and humble attitude toward it. And yet no thing is sacred of itself, but by declaring it sacred, by my declaration, my judgment, my bending the knee; in short, by my - conscience. (Max Stirner Quotes)
Spiritual men have taken into their head something that is to be realized. They have concepts of love, goodness, and the like, which they would like to see realized; therefore they want to set up a kingdom of love on earth, in which no one any longer acts from selfishness, but each one ‘from love.’ Love is to rule. (Max Stirner Quotes)
Protestantism has actually put a man in the position of a country governed by secret police. The spy and eavesdropper, ‘conscience,’ watches over every motion of the mind, and all thought and action is for it a ‘matter of conscience,’ i.e. police business (Max Stirner Quotes)
Nothing is more to me than myself (Max Stirner Quotes)
Thus the radii of all education run together into one center which is called personality (Max Stirner Quotes)
God sinks into dust before man (Max Stirner Quotes)
Crimes spring from fixed ideas (Max Stirner Quotes)
Liberty of the people is not my liberty! (Max Stirner Quotes)
Everything sacred is a tie, a fetter (Max Stirner Quotes)
Freedom cannot be granted. It must be taken (Max Stirner Quotes)
Whoever knows how to take, to defend, the thing, to him belongs property (Max Stirner Quotes)
We do not aspire to communal life but to a life apart (Max Stirner Quotes)
Whoever is a complete person does not need to be an authority (Max Stirner Quotes)
What matters the party to me? I shall find enough anyhow who unite with me without swearing allegiance to my flag (Max Stirner Quotes)
The men of the future will yet fight their way to many a liberty that we do not even miss (Max Stirner Quotes)
Is not all the stupid chatter of most of our newspapers the babble of fools who suffer from the fixed idea of morality, legality, christianity and so forth, and only seem to go about free because the madhouse in which they walk takes in so broad a space? (Max Stirner Quotes)
If it is right for me, it is right. It is possible that it is wrong for others: let them take care of themselves! (Max Stirner Quotes)
The object of the state is always the same: to limit the individual, to tame him, to subordinate him, to subjugate him (Max Stirner Quotes)
A race of altruists is necessarily a race of slaves. A race of free men is necessarily a race of egoists (Max Stirner Quotes)
No knowledge, however thorough and extensive, no brilliance and perspicuity, no dialectic sophistication, will preserve us from the commmonness of thought and will. It is truly not the merit of the school if we do not come out selfish (Max Stirner Quotes)
For what reason then do the realists show themselves so unfriendly toward philosophy? Because they misunderstand their own calling and with all their might want to remain restricted instead of becoming unrestricted! Why do they hate abstractions? Because they themselves are abstract since they abstract from the perfection of themselves, from the elevation of redeeming truth! (Max Stirner Quotes)
People is the name of the body, state of the spirit, of that ruling person that has hitherto suppressed me (Max Stirner Quotes)
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