Max Weber Quotes
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Text Quotes
The decisive means for politics is violence (Max Weber Quotes)
Not everyone realises that to write a really good piece of journalism is at least as demanding intellectually as the achievement of any scholar. (Max Weber Quotes)
The career of politics grants a feeling of power. The knowledge of influencing men, of participating in power over them, and above all, the feeling of holding in one’s hands a nerve fiber of historically important events can elevate the professional politician above everyday routine even when he is placed in formally modest positions. (Max Weber Quotes)
Social economic problems do not exist everywhere that an economic event plays a role as cause or effect - since problems arise only where the significance of those factors is problematical and can be precisely determined only through the application of methods of social-economics. (Max Weber Quotes)
The summum bonum of this [Puritan] ethic is the earning of more and more money combined with the strict avoidance of all enjoyment. (Max Weber Quotes)
The modern view of criminal justice, broadly, is that public concern with morality or expediency decrees expiation for the violation of a norm; this concern finds expression in the infliction of punishment on the evil doer by agents of the state, the evil doer, however, enjoying the protection of a regular procedure. (Max Weber Quotes)
Homelessness is the fundamental idea of salvation in Jainism. It means the breaking off of all earthly relations, and therefore, above all, indifference to general impressions and avoidance of all worldly motives, the ceasing to act, to hope, to desire. (Max Weber Quotes)
Only he has the calling for politics who is sure that he will not crumble when the world from his point of view is too stupid or base for what he wants to offer. Only he who in the face of all this can say In spite of all! has the calling for politics (Max Weber Quotes)
Not everyone realises that to write a really good piece of journalism is at least as demanding intellectually as the achievement of any scholar (Max Weber Quotes)
A government is an institution that holds a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence (Max Weber Quotes)
Every type of purely direct concrete description bears the mark of artistic portrayal (Max Weber Quotes)
Every scientific fulfillment raises new questions; it asks to be surpassed and outdated (Max Weber Quotes)
Either one lives for politics or one lives off politics (Max Weber Quotes)
A highly developed stock exchange cannot be a club for the cult of ethics (Max Weber Quotes)
Within the confines of the lecture hall, no other virtue exists but plain intellectual integrity (Max Weber Quotes)
Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard boards (Max Weber Quotes)
Politics means striving to share power or striving to influence the distribution of power, either among states or among groups within a state (Max Weber Quotes)
It is not true that good can only follow from good and evil only from evil, but that often the opposite is true (Max Weber Quotes)
Ideas come when we do not expect them, and not when we are brooding and searching at our desks. Yet ideas would certainly not come to mind had we not brooded at our desks and searched for answers with passionate devotion (Max Weber Quotes)
It is not astonishing that there are many journalists who have become human failures and worthless men. Rather, it is astonishing that, despite all this, this very stratum includes such a great number of valuable and quite genuine men, a fact that outsiders would not so easily guess (Max Weber Quotes)
Power is the chance to impose your will within a social context, even when opposed and regardless of the integrity of that chance (Max Weber Quotes)
Laws are important and valuable in the exact natural sciences, in the measure that those sciences are universally valid (Max Weber Quotes)
No sociologist should think himself too good, even in his old age, to make tens of thousands of quite trivial computations in his head and perhaps for months at a time (Max Weber Quotes)
Causal analysis provides absolutely no value judgment, and a value judgment is absolutely not a causal explanation (Max Weber Quotes)
Those human groups that entertain a subjective belief in their common descent because of similarities of physical type or of customs or both, or because of memories of colonization and migration; this belief must be important for group formation; furthermore it does not matter whether an objective blood relationship exists (Max Weber Quotes)
The experience of the irrationality of the world has been the driving force of all religious revolution (Max Weber Quotes)
The fate of an epoch that has eaten of the tree of knowledge is that it must... recognize that general views of life and the universe can never be the products of increasing empirical knowledge, and that the highest ideals, which move us most forcefully, are always formed only in the struggle with other ideals which are just as sacred to others as ours are to us (Max Weber Quotes)
The impulse to acquisition, pursuit of gain, of money, of the greatest possible amount of money, has in itself nothing to do with capitalism. This impulse exists and has existed among waiters, physicians, coachmen, artists, prostitutes, dishonest officials, soldiers, nobles, crusaders, gamblers, and beggars (Max Weber Quotes)
Specialists without spirit, sensualists without heart; this nullity imagines that it has attained a level of civilization never before achieved (Max Weber Quotes)
It is true that the path of human destiny cannot but appal him who surveys a section of it. But he will do well to keep his small personal commentarie to himself, as one does at the sight of the sea or of majestic mountains, unless he knows himself to be called and gifted to give them expression in artistic or prophetic form. In most other cases, the voluminous talk about intuition does nothing but conceal a lack of perspective toward the object, which merits the same judgement as a similar lack of perspective toward men (Max Weber Quotes)
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