May Sarton Quotes

Text Quotes
In poetry compromise is fatal. In action of any cooperative sort it is inevitable. The thing is to find the balance (May Sarton Quotes)
For poetry is, I believe, always an act of the spirit. The poem teaches us something while we make it. The poem makes you as you make the poem, and your making of the poem requires all your capacities of thought, feeling, analysis, and synthesis (May Sarton Quotes)
Each new poem is partly propelled by the formal energies of all the poems that have preceded it in the history of literature (May Sarton Quotes)
I suppose I have written novels to find out what I thought about something and poems to find out what I felt about something (May Sarton Quotes)
Try making a poem as if it were a table, clear and solid, standing there outside you (May Sarton Quotes)
Poetry has a way of teaching one what one needs to know... if one is honest (May Sarton Quotes)
It is good for a professional to be reminded that his professionalism is only a husk, that the real person must remain an amateur, a lover of the work (May Sarton Quotes)
Is it perhaps the one necessity of love, that it be needed? And the one great human tragedy that it so rarely is? (May Sarton Quotes)
Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace (May Sarton Quotes)
No partner in a love relationship... should feel that he has to give up an essential part of himself to make it viable (May Sarton Quotes)
Don’t forget that compared to a grownup person every baby is a genius. Think of the capacity to learn! The freshness, the temperament, the will of a baby a few months old! (May Sarton Quotes)
It is the privilege of those who fear love to murder those who do not fear it! (May Sarton Quotes)
The garden is growth and change and that means loss as well as constant new treasures to make up for a few disasters (May Sarton Quotes)
There is only one real deprivation... and that is not to be able to give one’s gifts to those one loves most (May Sarton Quotes)
We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be (May Sarton Quotes)
Women are at last becoming persons first and wives second, and that is as it should be (May Sarton Quotes)
A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself (May Sarton Quotes)
Growing old is, of all things we experience, that which takes the most courage, and at a time when we have the least resources, especially with which to meet frustration (May Sarton Quotes)
It is, I assume, quite easy to wither into old age, and hard to grow into it (May Sarton Quotes)
One has only to set a loved human being against the fact that we are all in peril all the time to get back a sense of proportion. What does anything matter compared to the reality of love and its span, so brief at best, maintained against such odds? (May Sarton Quotes)
Anyone who is going to be a writer knows enough at fifteen to write several novels (May Sarton Quotes)
For any writer who wants to keep a journal, be alive to everything, not just to what you’re feeling, but also to your pets, to flowers, to what you’re reading (May Sarton Quotes)
At some point I believe one has to stop holding back for fear of alienating some imaginary reader or real relative or friend, and come out with personal truth (May Sarton Quotes)
Love opens the doors into everything, as far as I can see, including and perhaps most of all, the door into one’s own secret, and often terrible and frightening, real self (May Sarton Quotes)
Words are more powerful than perhaps anyone suspects, and once deeply engraved in a child’s mind, they are not easily eradicated (May Sarton Quotes)
It always comes back to the same necessity: go deep enough and there is a bedrock of truth, however hard (May Sarton Quotes)
She became for me an island of light, fun, wisdom where I could run with my discoveries and torments and hopes at any time of day and find welcome (May Sarton Quotes)
The most valuable thing we can do for the psyche, occasionally, is to let it rest, wander, live in the changing light of room, not try to be or do anything whatever (May Sarton Quotes)
Keep busy with survival. Imitate the trees. Learn to lose in order to recover, and remember nothing stays the same for long, not even pain. Sit it out. Let it all pass. Let it go (May Sarton Quotes)
Sometimes one has simply to endure a period of depression for what it may hold of illumination if one can live through it, attentive to what it exposes or demands (May Sarton Quotes)