Me Time Quotes

Text Quotes
When we touch the place in our lives where sexuality and spirituality come together, we touch our wholeness and the fullness of our power, and at the same time our connection with a power larger than ourselves (Me Time Quotes)
I took some time off to enjoy my life, but figure skating is something I love and something I will continue doing for the rest of my life (Me Time Quotes)
To those who live by the land there must always come times of hardship, of fear and of hunger, even as there are years of plenty. This is one of the truths of our existence as those who live by the land know: that sometimes we eat and sometimes we starve. We live by our labours fromone harvest to the next, there is no certain telling whether we shall be able to feed ourselves and our children, and if bad times are prolonged we know we must see the weak surrender their lives and this fact, too, is within our experience. In our lives there is no margin for misfortune (Me Time Quotes)
Almost certainly, the first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind. Food is the moral right of all who are born into this world. Yet today 50 percent of the world’s population goes hungry. Without food, man can live at most but a few weeks; without it, all other components of social justice are meaningless... If you desire peace, cultivate justice, but at the same time cultivate the fields to produce more bread, otherwise there will be no peace (Me Time Quotes)
My sons served excellent missions, and returned to participate in college athletics. In their letters home, and even now that they have been back for some time, they frequently mention that the experiences in the mission field were the choicest and most gratifying of their lives. You young men, begin to prepare yourselves now for this marvelous experience (Me Time Quotes)
When I run, I think about everything: physics, family problems, plans for the weekend. I haven’t made any big discoveries on a run, but it does give me time to think through problems. Some solutions are obvious, but they are only obvious when you are relaxed enough to find them (Me Time Quotes)
The first rule of style is to have something to say. The second rule of style is to control yourself when, by chance, you have two things to say; say first one, then the other, not both at the same time (Me Time Quotes)
These days all you need is the ability to watch television and hold a potato at the same time to call yourself a designer (Me Time Quotes)
At the same time that I’m finding the color world I want, I’m also trying to make the imagery, you know, by the nature of the strokes themselves (Me Time Quotes)
Keep your eye on the prize and focus on your mission. Remember what you’re trying to do, what your value is, why it’s important, and at the same time, change course and direction. If the market’s telling you different things how are you going to adjust to that? (Me Time Quotes)
It meant something to me – the idea of a coat guarding and hiding a woman’s body. For me, a woman who is absorbed in her work, who does not care about gaining one’s favor, strong yet subtle at the same time, is essentially more seductive. The more she hides and abandons her femininity, the more it emerges from the very heart of her existence (Me Time Quotes)
We found out that no matter how good you are you can’t go out there and compete against teams that have been together for quite some time (Me Time Quotes)
Beautiful objects, ideas, even beautiful people all share the power to lift the spirits and motivate creativity while at the same time soothing the soul (Me Time Quotes)
What the people out there are calling for is honesty which has been missing for quite some time now. We are tired of all the deceit and incompetence of this government (Me Time Quotes)
I knew that when it came time for me to finally make my own album, it wasnt going to be about being a jock. It had to be more personal and intimate (Me Time Quotes)
This seems clear enough: When truly present in nature, we do use all our senses at the same time, which is the optimum state of learning (Me Time Quotes)
When you think intensely and beautifully, something happens. That something is called poetry. If you think that way and speak at the same time, poetry gets in your mouth. If people hear you, it gets in their ears. If you think that way and write at the same time, then poetry gets written. But poetry exists in any case. The question is only: are you going to take part, and if so, how? (Me Time Quotes)
Climbing is a heroic liberating act; and height spontaneously symbolizes things of high value, be it in the value of worldly power or of spirituality. To rise in an elevator, balloon, or airplane is to experience being liberated from weight, sublimated, invested with superhuman abilities. In addition, to rise from the earth is to approach the realm of light and overview. Therefore the negative overcoming of weight is at the same time the positive achievement of enlightenment and an unobstructed outlook (Me Time Quotes)
You give up your future, lose your dreams, are stained with despair... Yet at the same time you shake off your past, fight reality, and never lose your nobility (Me Time Quotes)
It’s sort of like a mockery, in a way of reality because they think everything is smiles and sweetness and flowers where there is something bitter to taste. And to pretend there isn’t is foolish. I mean the ones that wander around and know, at the same time, and yet wear flowers, and they deserve to wear flowers. And they’ve earned their smile. You can tell by people’s eyes (Me Time Quotes)
Many kinds of fruit grow upon the tree of life, but none so sweet as friendship; as with the orange tree its blossoms and fruit appear at the same time, full of refreshment for sense and for soul (Me Time Quotes)
I quit eating red meat a long time ago. I’m a vegetarian, but not by a moral issue or any kind of stand. I still eat dairy. And I quit eating sugar about the same time I quit eating red meat, but I eat fruit (Me Time Quotes)
Western governments... will lose the war against dealers unless efforts are switched to prevention and therapy... All penalties for drug users should be dropped... Making drug abuse a crime is useless and even dangerous... Every year we seize more and more drugs and arrest more and more dealers but at the same time the quantity available in our countries still increases... Police are losing the drug battle worldwide (Me Time Quotes)
The most important thing in life is to love someone. The second most important thing in life is to have someone love you. The third most important thing is to have the first two happen at the same time (Me Time Quotes)
It’s paradoxical that the death of your quarry is besides the point and at the same time the whole point. A chase without a kill as its object is like a journey without a destination; a kill without a chase employing all the hunter’s craft is killing, not hunting (Me Time Quotes)
Every day in practice I have to lead by example. But at the same time, when people aren’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing, you’re responsible as a player. You can’t rely on the coaches to say everything. The players have to be responsible and take ownership of the team. Every day in practice there are situations where you need to say something and get a message across, but do it in the right way (Me Time Quotes)
I mean its an obsession, you follow the obsession but at the same time you have so many doubts, you know. Why am I wasting so much money going back to this place, taking more pictures? What’s the point of it? No one cares about it. I think I care about it but maybe I am deceiving myself (Me Time Quotes)
We think only through the medium of words. Languages are true analytical methods. Algebra, which is adapted to its purpose in every species of expression, in the most simple, most exact, and best manner possible, is at the same time a language and an analytical method. The art of reasoning is nothing more than a language well arranged (Me Time Quotes)
The most sure, but at the same time the most difficult expedient to mend the morals of the people, is a perfect system of education (Me Time Quotes)
True poetry ought to be secret and clandestine, concealed like a prohibited voice of dissent, while at the same time it should speak to everyone (Me Time Quotes)