Me Time Quotes

Text Quotes
Though some will try to deny it, I believe that every woman, at some time in her life, has had or will have the desire to pose nude (Me Time Quotes)
It might take us a lifetime to find out what it is we need to say. Most of us fall into where our feelings are headed while we’re quite young. But the beauty of all this uncertainty would be that in the process of exhausting all the possibilities, we might actually stumble unconsciously into the recognition of something that’s useful to us, that speaks to a deep need within ourselves. At the same time, I like to think that in order for any of us to really do anything new, we can’t know exactly what it is we are doing (Me Time Quotes)
This is your life. If you are not who you want to be, change it! It won’t be easy and it may take some time, but surround yourself with people who love and support you and go for it! No regrets! Only you dwell on your failures. Good luck and remember the inner strength you’ll achieve from adopting a healthy lifestyle far supersedes anything physical (Me Time Quotes)
O yes, everyone gets lonely some time or other. After all, if we look closer into ourselves, shall we not admit that the warmth from other people comes so sweet to us when it comes, because, we always carry with us the knowledge of the cold loneliness of death? (Me Time Quotes)
For me, men and women are different. A man is genetically gifted to pull more than a woman. But at the same time, I don’t consider women to be any less than men. In fact, I feel we are far more intelligent than them (Me Time Quotes)
The beauty was in the waking of the powerless. Is it always to be true that it is impossible to have things strong and at the same time beautiful? The famished men need not stay famished. But to gorge themselves in this heartbreaking way consuming, utterly destroying the common promise of their greed, was that ever necessary? (Me Time Quotes)
Running cleared the day’s cobwebs from my mind and focused my thinking, and gave me time and space to sort out anything that was bothering me, or to detach and think of nothing at all. When it’s pouring rain and you’re bowling along through the wet, there’s satisfaction in knowing you’re out there and the others aren’t (Me Time Quotes)
The student of biology is often struck with the feeling that historians, when dealing with the rise and fall of nations, do not generally view the phenomena from a sufficiently high biological standpoint. To me, at least, they seem to attach too much importance to individual rulers and soldiers, and to particular wars, policies, religions, and customs; while at the same time they make little attempt to extract the fundamental causes of national success or failure (Me Time Quotes)
You have to face reality some time. But there’s no sense in facing it until somebody forces you to (Me Time Quotes)
It was very difficult when I was trying to figure out how to have a marriage and babies and do this at the same time. There was no handbook. You were making it up as you went along (Me Time Quotes)
We are caught in the contradiction of finding life a rather perplexing puzzle which causes us a lot of misery, and at the same time being dimly aware of the boundless, limitless nature of life. So we begin looking for an answer to the puzzle (Me Time Quotes)
I’m a fan of meeting readers face to face, at reader events, where we’re able to sit down and take some time to talk (Me Time Quotes)
And I think being a good director is being able to be completely tyrannical and you’ve got to be an absolute dictator while at the same time, you have to listen and see everything because it can all change on a dime (Me Time Quotes)
I find it is increasingly difficult to spend the time I need with my family and at the same time do the job that needs to be done (Me Time Quotes)
I had many decades of me time and now I just don’t have that anymore. There are days when I rail against it (Me Time Quotes)
Sometimes the intensity and the grind of doing television can wear you down, but at the same time there’s something about the repetition, the sheer mass of work that you do that’s also liberating (Me Time Quotes)
I love writing about men. To get by in the world you have to know how men think. Not that all guys think alike, but women tend to think about more things at the same time, an overgeneralization, but I find it easier to make my male characters focus than I do my female characters (Me Time Quotes)
Keep a strict, predictable schedule 365 days a year that has you eating, sleeping, and exercising at about the same times day in and day out (Me Time Quotes)
Tobacco is the only industry that produces products to make huge profits and at the same time damage the health and kill their consumers (Me Time Quotes)
Well, life is dark, isn’t it? Mostly, it’s dreadful. At the same time, death is funny too. I mean, look at the fuss we make of it (Me Time Quotes)
I think I have a very nice demeanor, but at the same time, when pushed, I will freak out. I have a backbone, but I don’t feel like I’m terrible about it (Me Time Quotes)
Technology is notorious for engrossing people so much that they don’t always focus on balance and enjoy life at the same time (Me Time Quotes)
Since the middle of the 20th century, more has been learnt about the ocean than during all preceding human history; at the same time, more has been lost (Me Time Quotes)
Before you went to work this morning in the city, did you spend some time with your family? Did you kiss your wife and tell her that she’s pretty? (Me Time Quotes)
The helium which we handle must have been put together at some time and some place. We do not argue with the critic who urges that the stars are not hot enough for this process; we tell him to go and find a hotter place (Me Time Quotes)
One cannot explain words without making incursions into the sciences themselves, as is evident from dictionaries; and, conversely, one cannot present a science without at the same time defining its terms (Me Time Quotes)
There is undoubtedly a lot of pressure that comes with recognition, which can be a good thing and bad thing all at the same time. But if you stay focused and don’t lose sight of what you’re doing and who you are, you can rise above it (Me Time Quotes)
I don’t know if I’d call myself a prodigy, but I was a big forensics competitor in high school, and then during college I spent some time working at speech and debate camps as a coach (Me Time Quotes)
I am real, real picky with what I decided to do. I want to make sure it’s new and at the same time that it’s in the same color of what I have played before. Not to pigeon hole myself but I don’t like to do fluff (Me Time Quotes)
I’ve been working on my finishing for quite some time. It’s just a question of paying attention to the minor details (Me Time Quotes)