Mean People Quotes

Text Quotes
Aggressive, tough and defiant may describe me, but that leaves the impression I’m mean and I’m not. People expect me to have fangs (Mean People Quotes)
A little recognition is not a bad thing because it means people appreciate your work. The only problem is when you can’t walk down the street or have a meal without people looking at you. I want to be the one looking at people (Mean People Quotes)
Because that’s the thing about mean people: They make you think that the world will never work, that there are divides that you will fall into if you approach. It takes a whole lot of good people to fill in the breach created by a single mean one (Mean People Quotes)
School is just like having a job. You have to show up, you have to do your work, and you have to be around tons of idiots or mean people. Now that I think about it, it’s worse than having a job. At least there you get paid (Mean People Quotes)
I see smoke, smoke means fire, fire means people, people means we get the hell out of here (Mean People Quotes)
Fact #1 Mean people suck. Fact #2 Bad things happen to good people. Fact #3 Good doesn't always prevail over evil (Mean People Quotes)
Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man (Mean People Quotes)
Well there's nobody who has a more supportive husband than I do, and he has a business that he runs, and it's his own business, so he has work to do, my kids have school to do, I mean, people have - there are other things in life besides politics (Mean People Quotes)
It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them (Mean People Quotes)
There is always something infinitely mean about other people's tragedies (Mean People Quotes)
Never take a solemn oath. People think you mean it (Mean People Quotes)
What does sharing music mean? It means playing it for people (Mean People Quotes)
What does your product really mean to the people who buy it? (Mean People Quotes)
Foolish people - when I say foolish people in this contemptuous way I mean people who entertain different opinions to mine. If there is one person I do despise more than another, it is the man who does not think exactly the same on all topics as I do (Mean People Quotes)
Mean people are really just sad people. They hurt others because they are hurting. Every person is born beautiful, and much of the ugliness in others was put inside of them by other hurting people (Mean People Quotes)
Live like spongebob. Laugh out loud all day without reason, and annoy the mean people with your happiness (Mean People Quotes)