Mean Quotes

Text Quotes
A lie was something you told because you were mean or a coward. A story was something you made up out of something that might have happened. Only you didn’t tell it like it was, you told it like you thought it should have been (Mean Quotes)
We are all mistaken sometimes; sometimes we do wrong things, things that have bad consequences. But it does not mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward (Mean Quotes)
When someone is mean to me, I just make them a victim in my next book (Mean Quotes)
Some people are just afraid of what’s different. It doesn’t mean different is bad. It just means different is different (Mean Quotes)
A lack of affiliation may mean a lack of accountability, and forming a sense of commitment can be hard without a sense of community. Displacement can encourage the wrong kinds of distance, and if the nationalism we see sparking up around the globe arises from too narrow and fixed a sense of loyalty, the internationalism that’s coming to birth may reflect too roaming and undefined a sense of belonging (Mean Quotes)
When I say that life is like an onion, I mean this: if you don’t do anything with it, it goes rotten. So far, that’s no different from other vegetables. But when an onion goes bad, it can either do it from the inside, or the outside. So sometimes you see one that looks good, but the core is rotten. Other times, you can see a bad spot on it, but if you cut that out, the rest is fine. Tastes sharp, but that’s what you paid for, isn’t it? (Mean Quotes)
I’d like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me. I’d like to be the help that you’ve been always glad to be; I’d like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way (Mean Quotes)
I had trouble listening to adults who didn’t really mean anything that they said; it was as if their language poured into my ears only to drain right out a little spigot in the back of my head (Mean Quotes)
Your life doesn’t mean what you have or what you get. Its what your’e willing to give up (Mean Quotes)
Food is, for me, for everybody, a very sexual thing and I think I realised that quite early on. I still cannot exaggerate how just putting a meal in front of somebody is really more of a buzz for me than anything. And I mean anything. Maybe that goes back to trying to please my dad, I don’t know. It’s like parenting in a way I suppose (Mean Quotes)
Have I mentioned that I expect death around every turn, that every blue sky has a safe sailing out of it, that every bus runs me over, that every low, mean syllable uttered in my direction seems to intimate the violence of murder, that every family seems like an opportunity for ruin and every marriage a ceremony into which calamity will fall and hearts will be broken and lives destroyed and people branded by the mortifications of love? (Mean Quotes)
Well, that’s why smart people get tripped up with worry and fear. Worry... fear... is just a misuse of the creative imagination that has been placed in each of us. Because we are smart and creative, we imagine all the things that could happen, that might happen, that will happen if this or that happens. See what I mean? (Mean Quotes)
I mean that it’s all right to go to bed with an asshole but don’t ever have a baby with one (Mean Quotes)
Problem solving, and I don’t mean algebra, seems to be my life’s work. Maybe it’s everyone’s life’s work (Mean Quotes)
It was no mean trick doing the wiring with those mittens on. But I managed it and crawled out, batting spiders into the shadows. I could hear a thud as they hit the floor joists, then a scuttling sound, then, worst of all, the silence of spiders (Mean Quotes)
Just because there’s tarnish on the copper, doesn’t mean there’s not a shine beneath (Mean Quotes)
I mean, look at us. We’re all alone in my bedroom and I’m not feeling any urge to make any kinda move on you. That’s a pretty big problem (Mean Quotes)
All bags are pack ready to go I am standing here outside your door I hate to wake you up to say goodbye dawn is braking its early morn the taxi waiting he blowing his horn already I am so lonesome I could die so kiss me and smile for me tell me that you’ll wait for me and hold me like you never let me go cause leaving on a jet plane don’t know when ill be back again oh babe I hate to go there so many let you down so many time I played around I tell you know that don’t mean a thing every plase I go I’ll think of you every song I sing I’ll sing for you (Mean Quotes)
Evil doesn’t die. It never dies. It just takes on a new face, a new name. Just because we’ve been touched by it once, it doesn’t mean we’re immune to ever being hurt again. Lightning can strike twice (Mean Quotes)
Whatever power I have is nothing if I can’t use it to keep safe those who mean the most to me (Mean Quotes)
When will people learn that just because you can make something doesn’t mean you should? (Mean Quotes)
Love doesn’t mean doing extraordinary or heroic things. It means knowing how to do ordinary things with tenderness (Mean Quotes)
Just because you discover that you may like somebody after all, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s any attraction (Mean Quotes)
Just because you have stopped sinking doesn’t mean you’re not still underwater (Mean Quotes)
Is there any other way to be? I mean, this is it. This is my body, my soul; I gotta live with it. I’d better get comfortable. I plan on taking it for a long ride (Mean Quotes)
You think the end justifies the means, however vile. I tell you: the end is the means by which you achieve it. Today’s step is tomorrow’s life. Great ends cannot be attained by base means. You’ve proved that in all your social upheavals. The meanness and inhumanity of the means make you mean and inhuman and make the end unattainable (Mean Quotes)
Sometimes you never feel meaner than the moment you stop being mean. It’s like how turning on a light makes you realize how dark the room had gotten. And the way you usually act, the things you would have normally done, are like these ghosts that everyone can see but pretends not to (Mean Quotes)
It is dreadful when something weighs on your mind, not to have a soul to unburden yourself to. You know what I mean. I tell my piano the things I used to tell you (Mean Quotes)
What is the ideal for mental health, then? A lived, compelling illusion that does not lie about life, death, and reality; one honest enough to follow its own commandments: I mean, not to kill, not to take the lives of others to justify itself (Mean Quotes)
It’s strange how memory gets twisted and pulled like taffy in its retelling, how a single event can mean something different to everyone present (Mean Quotes)