Meaning Quotes
Text Quotes
I’ve always worked to find really deep meaning of song and also at the same time having it covered in sugar, so it can be taken two or three different ways (Meaning Quotes)
The wage of a people has meaning only when it arises from production. Every increase in production should benefit the whole people and raise the people’s standards of living (Meaning Quotes)
A gift isn’t a gift unless it has meaning. Just giving things to people, especially children, create the expectation of more things (Meaning Quotes)
Life is not inherently meaningful. We make meaning happen through the attention and care we express through our actions (Meaning Quotes)
Words are for meaning: when you’ve got the meaning, you can forget the words (Meaning Quotes)
Childhood is only the beautiful and happy time in contemplation and retrospect: to the child it is full of deep sorrows, the meaning of which is unknown (Meaning Quotes)
In a poem the words should be as pleasing to the ear as the meaning is to the mind (Meaning Quotes)
Now that I have all the things I once thought would make me happy, they have little meaning for me. Experience, and not just a little heartache, has taught me money buys convenience and conveniences (Meaning Quotes)
We have come to accept bigger and bigger things as meaning greater and greater efficiency, more and more prosperity and more and more freedom. The two do not go together of necessity (Meaning Quotes)
The difference between writing a story and simply relating past events is that a story, in order to be acceptable, must have shape and meaning. It is the old idea that art is the bringing of order out of chaos (Meaning Quotes)
On certain continents poverty is more spiritual than material, a poverty that consists of loneliness, discouragement, and the lack of meaning in life (Meaning Quotes)
All women, without in the least meaning it, consider every man they meet as a possible husband for themselves or for their best friend (Meaning Quotes)
The right to choose death when life no longer holds meaning is not only the next liberation but the last human right (Meaning Quotes)
Art and psychoanalysis give shape and meaning to life and that is why we adore them, but life as it is lived has no shape and meaning (Meaning Quotes)
Words are not simple things: they take unto themselves, as they have through time, power and meaning (Meaning Quotes)
Every word calls up far more of a picture than its actual meaning is supposed to do, and the writer has to deal with all these silent associations as well as with the uttered significance (Meaning Quotes)
There is a deeper portion of our being that we rarely allow others to see. Call it a soul maybe, this is the place that holds the most value. All else can drift but this. When this dies our body has no meaning (Meaning Quotes)
Marriage is the aim and end of all sensible girls, because it is the meaning of life (Meaning Quotes)
To eat together is one of the greatest promoters of intimacy. It is the satisfaction in common of a material necessity of existence, and if you seek a loftier meaning in it, it is a communion (Meaning Quotes)
The truth of a poem is its form and its content, its music and its meaning are the same (Meaning Quotes)
You do not know, you cannot know, the difficulty of the life of a politician. It means every minute of the day or night, every ounce of your energy. There is no rest, no relaxation. Enjoyment? A politician does not know the meaning of the word (Meaning Quotes)
When the heart opens, we forget ourselves and the world pours in: this world, and also the invisible world of meaning that sustains everything that was and ever shall be (Meaning Quotes)
You have what is known as a lot of character, meaning you can be wrong at the top of your lungs (Meaning Quotes)
Oppression does not know the meaning of provincial boundaries. Aren’t our energies better spent fighting the common enemy instead of each other? (Meaning Quotes)
To say a person is a coward has no more meaning than to say he is lazy: It simply tells us that some vital potentiality is unrealized or blocked (Meaning Quotes)
Writers are entirely egocentric. To them, few things in their lives have meaning or importance unless they give promise of serving some creative purpose (Meaning Quotes)
The older I grow the more sharply I mistrust words. So few of them have any meaning left. It is impossible to write one sentence in which every word has the bareness and hardness of bones, the reality of the skeleton (Meaning Quotes)
There is no right and wrong way to paint except honestly or dishonestly. Honestly is trying for the bigger thing. Dishonestly is bluffing and getting through a smattering of surface representation with no meaning (Meaning Quotes)
The body, seeking truth, sends a signal. But decoding it, interpreting its meaning, and knowing how to proceed from there is another matter entirely (Meaning Quotes)
In the small group then is where we shall find the inner meaning of democracy, its very heart and core (Meaning Quotes)