Meaning Quotes
Text Quotes
He doesn’t know the meaning of the word fear, but then again he doesn’t know the meaning of most words (Meaning Quotes)
If I had one wish for my children, it would be that each of them would reach for goals that have meaning for them as individuals (Meaning Quotes)
These films however, have ambiguity built into them, because it’s too easy in film to make a strident work of propaganda or advertising, which are really the same thing anyway, meaning the message is unmistakable (Meaning Quotes)
This would be a distortion of their meaning, since the pictures are intimate and intense, and are the opposite of what is decorative; and have been painted in a scale of normal living rather than an institutional scale (Meaning Quotes)
You must go after your wish. As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning (Meaning Quotes)
This is a basic requirement the meaning of globalization is that we should admit that the economy of each country is dependent on the economy of all the others (Meaning Quotes)
And I seemed to discern a power and meaning in the old, which the more impassioned would not allow (Meaning Quotes)
They’re desperately searching for meaning in their lives but they will not crack the Bible open (Meaning Quotes)
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being (Meaning Quotes)
The work itself has a complete circle of meaning and counterpoint. And without your involvement as a viewer, there is no story (Meaning Quotes)
What one does in the studio is to pose a series of problems to oneself. I’ve got to look for some deeper meaning, for some reason for this thing to be in the world. There’s enough stuff in the world (Meaning Quotes)
It does not follow that the meaning must be given from above; that life and suffering must come neatly labeled; that nothing is worth while if the world is not governed by a purpose (Meaning Quotes)
Life ceases to be so oppressive: we are free to give our own lives meaning and purpose, free to redeem our suffering by making something of it (Meaning Quotes)
This, it may be said, is no more than a hypothesis... Only of that force of precedent which in all times has been so strong to keep alive religious forms of which the original meaning is lost (Meaning Quotes)
All words at every level of prose and poetry and all devices of language and speech derive their meaning from figure / ground relation (Meaning Quotes)
These days you might feel a shaft of light make its way across your face and when you do you’ll know how it was meant to be see the signs and know their meaning (Meaning Quotes)
The same meaning changes with the words which express it. Meanings receive their dignity from words instead of giving it to them (Meaning Quotes)
A type conveys absence and presence, pleasure and pain. A cipher has a double meaning, one clear, and one in which it is said that the meaning is hidden (Meaning Quotes)
What distinct meaning can attach to saying that an idea in the past in any way affects an idea in the future, from which it is completely detached? (Meaning Quotes)
I don’t like talking about the characters I do in film, ever. There’s no deep, dark meaning. It’s just an idea. It’s just an idea (Meaning Quotes)
The meaning of culture is nothing less than the conduct of life itself, fortified, thickened, made more crafty and subtle, by contact with books and with art (Meaning Quotes)
We would make our heroes shallow, he answered, the words very slow and almost sad. We would make them brittle. It is they who must remind us of the true meaning of strength (Meaning Quotes)
All you have really to do is to keep your back as straight as you can; and not think about what is upon it. The real and essential meaning of virtue is that straightness of back (Meaning Quotes)
He did not, and could not, understand the meaning of words apart from their context. Every word and action of his was the manifestation of an activity unknown to him, which was his life (Meaning Quotes)
Vitality that can stand the abyss of meaninglessness is aware of a hidden meaning within the destruction of meaning (Meaning Quotes)
I’m so fascinated by the human longing for meaning. The way we relate romantically to each other is so much to do with our longing for meaning as well (Meaning Quotes)
I am waiting for a sign that will indicate to me what meaning I must give to my life, but right now my existence is satisfactory (Meaning Quotes)
In common use almost every word has many shades of meaning, and therefore needs to be interpreted by the context (Meaning Quotes)
The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life (Meaning Quotes)
One can mistrust one’s own senses, but not one’s own belief. If there were a verb meaning to believe falsely, it would not have any significant first person, present indicative (Meaning Quotes)