Meanness Quotes

Text Quotes
Flattery is often a traffic of mutual meanness, where although both parties intend deception, neither are deceived (Meanness Quotes)
There cannot be a surer proof of low origin, or of an innate meanness of disposition, than to be always talking and thinking of being genteel (Meanness Quotes)
There`s some nastiness, there`s some meanness there. There`s something going on in the mosques and other places. (Meanness Quotes)
We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man’s features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them. (Meanness Quotes)
Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the God he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man’s features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them. (Meanness Quotes)
You think the end justifies the means, however vile. I tell you: the end is the means by which you achieve it. Today’s step is tomorrow’s life. Great ends cannot be attained by base means. You’ve proved that in all your social upheavals. The meanness and inhumanity of the means make you mean and inhuman and make the end unattainable. (Meanness Quotes)
Like the Earth, the Web is a less appealing place than it used to be. If I want attitude and arguing and meanness and profanity and wrong information screamed at me as gospel, I’ll get in a time machine and spend Christmas with my family in 1977. (Meanness Quotes)
This being human is a guest house. Every morning is a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor...Welcome and entertain them all. Treat each guest honorably. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. (Meanness Quotes)
We’ve had periods of meanness in American politics. Actually, the dawn of partisan division in America was basically in George Washington’s second term, when it was obvious that he would be the first and only consensus president (Meanness Quotes)
... I feel certain that his tale is true. Feeling that certainty, I befriend him. As long as that certainty shall last, I will befriend him. And if any consideration could shake me in this resolve, I should be so ashamed of myself for my meanness, that no man’s good opinion - no, nor no woman’s - so gained, could compensate me for the loss of my own (Meanness Quotes)
Qualities not regulated run into their opposites. Economy before competence is meanness after it. Therefore economy is for the poor; the rich may dispense with it (Meanness Quotes)
Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the God he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man’s features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them (Meanness Quotes)
We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man’s features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them (Meanness Quotes)
As all error is meanness, it is incumbent on every man who consults his own dignity, to retract it as soon as he discovers it (Meanness Quotes)
There is so much trouble in coming into the world, and so much more, as well as meanness, in going out of it, that it is hardly worth while to be here at all (Meanness Quotes)
Greater mischief happens often from folly, meanness, and vanity than from the greater sins of avarice and ambition (Meanness Quotes)
Wealth... And poverty: The one is the parent of luxury and indolence, and the other of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent (Meanness Quotes)
No little appetite or pain, no carelessness or meanness in him escaped her; no thought or dream or longing in him ever reached her. And yet several times in her life she had seen the stars (Meanness Quotes)
Wealth is the parent of luxury and indolence, and poverty of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent (Meanness Quotes)
Look here we shall die! Bear this in mind always and then the spirit within will wake up. Only then will meanness vanish from you, practicality in work will come, you will get new vigor in mind and body, and those who come in contact with you will also feel that they have really got something uplifting from you (Meanness Quotes)
This being human is a guest house. Every morning is a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor... Welcome and entertain them all. Treat each guest honorably. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond (Meanness Quotes)
The real tragedy of human existence is not that we are nasty by nature, but that a cruel structural asymmetry grants to rare events of meanness such power to shape our history (Meanness Quotes)
To deride the hope of progress is the ultimate fatuity, the last word in poverty of spirit and meanness of mind (Meanness Quotes)
I have stood your meanness as long as I intend to. You have played the part of a damn scoundrel, and if you were any part of a man I would slap your jaws and force you to resent it (Meanness Quotes)
I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ. Slit me at my belly and it might slide out, meaty and dark, drop on the floor so you could stomp on it (Meanness Quotes)
I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group (Meanness Quotes)
When I was growing up, particularly during puberty in my teen years, I was so miserable because I elicited so much teasing and meanness from my teenage cohorts (Meanness Quotes)
Like the minor poet who knows the meanness of his gift, I am doomed to a lifetime of frustration: to be able to comprehend beauty, but not create it (Meanness Quotes)
You think the end justifies the means, however vile. I tell you: the end is the means by which you achieve it. Today’s step is tomorrow’s life. Great ends cannot be attained by base means. You’ve proved that in all your social upheavals. The meanness and inhumanity of the means make you mean and inhuman and make the end unattainable (Meanness Quotes)
When I want to show the kind of meanness people are capable of, to make it believable I find I have to tone it down. It’s in real life that people are over the top (Meanness Quotes)