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A first kiss after five months means more than a first kiss after five minutes  (Means Quotes) To obtain victory by any means and with any weapon  (Means Quotes) Maybe that’s what is means to be human... forever questioning our certainties  (Means Quotes) A scar does not form on the dying. A scar means, I survived  (Means Quotes) Sports section and a sticky bun. Know what that means  (Means Quotes) Who says dog means dog?  (Means Quotes) Writing is the delicate, difficult, and dangerous means of succeeding in avowing the unavowable  (Means Quotes) Impossible just means they ain’t thought of a name for it yet  (Means Quotes) Teaching means to show a person that something is possible  (Means Quotes) If I have the means, I have the responsibility to employ them  (Means Quotes) Social science means inventing a certain brand of human we can understand  (Means Quotes) Experiment is the only means of knowledge at our disposal. Everything else is poetry, imagination  (Means Quotes) If my desire is possible, it means the system is already letting something else through  (Means Quotes) Excellence in health means devoting your life to ending poverty  (Means Quotes) Failure doesn’t mean anything, it just means changing paths  (Means Quotes) We each devise our means of escape from the intolerable  (Means Quotes) Running is the heart of what it means to be human  (Means Quotes) Krasivaya. It means beautiful, but with strength. Unique  (Means Quotes) Terrorism’: the word that means nothing, yet justifies everything  (Means Quotes) No one gets to tell you what your life means!  (Means Quotes) Having all the answers just means you’ve been asking boring questions  (Means Quotes) By all means break the rules, and break them beautifully, deliberately and well  (Means Quotes) In my hands the means... In my heart the will  (Means Quotes) Where ever fear shadows... that always means there is a light shining somewhere  (Means Quotes) History is a means of access to ourselves  (Means Quotes) The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare  (Means Quotes) Purusing peace means rising above one’s own wants, needs, and emotions  (Means Quotes) Courage means going forward without doubt. If you believe you have courage, you have courage  (Means Quotes) Practice means cutting down chance and risk  (Means Quotes) To be amazing means you have to do amazing things  (Means Quotes)
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