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Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties  (Means Quotes) Good design means as little design as possible  (Means Quotes) Education means to bring out wisdom. Indoctrination means to push in knowledge  (Means Quotes) I love laugh lines. It means you’ve had a good life  (Means Quotes) Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing  (Means Quotes) Winning means being unafraid to lose  (Means Quotes) In this league, experience means a lot  (Means Quotes) Sport is the best means of communication between people from different religions and countries  (Means Quotes) Color is a means to exert a direct influence on the soul  (Means Quotes) Lonely. I always thought loneliness meant alone, without people. It means something else  (Means Quotes) Fear is the reason for making art. It is a means to freedom  (Means Quotes) Potential just means you ain’t done it yet  (Means Quotes) True freedom means freeing oneself from the dictates of the ego and its accompanying emotions  (Means Quotes) Reproductive freedom means economic freedom. And that’s what this debate is about  (Means Quotes) Patriotism means loving our country, not the government  (Means Quotes) $5,000 means nothing to me! I did about $5,000 worth of damage to that nose of his!!  (Means Quotes) Motivation without mobilization means only frustration  (Means Quotes) Potential is an excuse to procrastinate; Ambition is a means to thrive  (Means Quotes) Teaching means creating situations where structures can be discovered  (Means Quotes) Being satisfied with the status quo means you are not making progress  (Means Quotes) Inspirational leadership connects to a highly motivated workforce which, in turn, means inspirational results  (Means Quotes) Being embarrassed means that you’re human, and we like you better for it  (Means Quotes) Usually when I ask people to reach into my velvety pouch it means something different  (Means Quotes) I like being broken. It means I can have chocolate for breakfast  (Means Quotes) Strength means honoring your entire range of emotion, even your despair and heartbreak  (Means Quotes) Equal means getting the same thing, at the same time and in the same place  (Means Quotes) To me the pain and the blood are merely means of artistic expression  (Means Quotes) A positive attitude means all the difference in the world  (Means Quotes) If the vision is there, the means will follow  (Means Quotes) A name means a lot just by itself  (Means Quotes)
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