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By words one transmits thoughts to another, by means of art, one transmits feelings  (Means Quotes) Feminism means revolution and I am a revolutionist  (Means Quotes) Living above your means is financial sin  (Means Quotes) Sustained success means making the greatest possible impact over the longest period of time  (Means Quotes) Nothing means more to me than helping my team win  (Means Quotes) By all means must we fly; not with our feet, however, but with our hands  (Means Quotes) Globalization means using slaves to manufacture products that are then sold to the unemployed!  (Means Quotes) That’s already been tried before only means the first attempt got it wrong  (Means Quotes) Discipline is never an end in itself, only a means to an end  (Means Quotes) Most everything means nothing, except some things that mean everything  (Means Quotes) The rainiest nights, like the rainiest lives, are by no means the saddest  (Means Quotes) Telephone and telegraph were better means of communication than the holy man’s telepathy  (Means Quotes) Improvement usually means doing something that we have never done before  (Means Quotes) Slud is something more than slid. It means sliding with great effort  (Means Quotes) To build means to make architecture real on the borders of knowledge  (Means Quotes) Many men beg for a job but have no clue what hard work really means  (Means Quotes) Struggle is what it means to be alive and free  (Means Quotes) Being human means having power; specifically, the power to accomplish whatever we want  (Means Quotes) I understood from an early age what being competitive means  (Means Quotes) There’s chaos out there and chaos means opportunity  (Means Quotes) Liberty of thought means liberty to communicate one’s thought  (Means Quotes) Business is about belonging which means inclusion is the new black  (Means Quotes) Being an artist means belonging to a unique, exciting gang of outlaws  (Means Quotes) The pace of change means that relationship is more important than ever before  (Means Quotes) What you think means more than anything else in your life  (Means Quotes) Politics is a continuation of economics by other means  (Means Quotes) Anarchy doesn’t mean out of control; it means out of their control  (Means Quotes) Courage means being afraid to do something, but still doing it  (Means Quotes) To me, being in your prime means playing your best and feeling your best, too  (Means Quotes) I had to succeed. Failure means I would have to be homeless again  (Means Quotes)
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