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If reality shows are so popular, that means their viewers are screaming for more realness  (Means Quotes) To be concentrated means to live fully in the present  (Means Quotes) The most desirable thing in life after health and modest means is leisure with dignity  (Means Quotes) Unconscious means identified totally with thought. You reduce reality to a conceptual reality  (Means Quotes) To deschool means to abolish the power of one person to oblige another  (Means Quotes) By means of the sign, man frees himself from the here and now for abstraction  (Means Quotes) Who makes the fairest show means most deceit  (Means Quotes) I consider painting as a means of expression, not as a goal  (Means Quotes) Good leadership means leading the way, not hectoring other people to do things your way  (Means Quotes) Therefore art means: you have to believe, to have faith, that is, cultivate vision  (Means Quotes) Mojo grace means the shocking benevolence of a mysterious force beyond our comprehension  (Means Quotes) Every means should be taken to attach the soldier to his colours  (Means Quotes) Lack is more in means, than in principles  (Means Quotes) Conservation means development as much as it does protection  (Means Quotes) If you can’t take both sides, it means you can only play yourself  (Means Quotes) Problems are just mile markers. Each one we pass means we’ve gotten better  (Means Quotes) A better you means a better universe  (Means Quotes) Dharma simply means the right thing in the right place, in the right space  (Means Quotes) Selfless giving means forgeting about yourself. It means letting go and doing something crazy  (Means Quotes) Humility means you’re willing to give someone a bigger slice of the pie  (Means Quotes) Humility means that you have the courage to accept that you are eternity itself  (Means Quotes) Nerves are natural, it means you’re ready to face a challenge and perform  (Means Quotes) I want to change, but not if it means changing  (Means Quotes) Never act without purpose and resolve, or without the means to finish the job  (Means Quotes) Brotherhood means I will always come for you no matter the cost  (Means Quotes) God means movement, and not explanation  (Means Quotes) Whipping your hair means not being afraid to be yourself  (Means Quotes) To an artist, creating an image means being in love with it  (Means Quotes) Painting is drawing, with the additional means of color  (Means Quotes) What I think a doctor should do is prevent disease, by any means necessary  (Means Quotes)
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