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To be controlled in our economic pursuits means to be controlled in everything  (Means Quotes) All means prove but blunt instruments, if they have not behind them a living spirit  (Means Quotes) By means of corporal and temporal things we may comprehend the eternal and the spiritual  (Means Quotes) Revision means throwing out the boring crap and making what’s left sound natural  (Means Quotes) Our objective is complete freedom, justice and equality by any means necessary  (Means Quotes) Showing a profit means touching something and leaving it better than you found it  (Means Quotes) Enlightenment means waking up to what you truly are and then being that  (Means Quotes) Under observation, we act less free, which means we effectively are less free  (Means Quotes) In the end, forgiveness simply means never putting another person out of our heart  (Means Quotes) Judgment means that you view the world as you are, rather than as it is  (Means Quotes) Success on the outside means nothing unless you also have success within  (Means Quotes) Man is a means for turning things into spirit and turning spirit into things  (Means Quotes) In the long run, you can never accomplish a worthy end with an unworthy means  (Means Quotes) Political freedom means the absence of coercion of a man by his fellow men  (Means Quotes) Government means always coercion and compulsion and is by necessity the opposite of liberty  (Means Quotes) Writing always means hiding something in such a way that it then is discovered  (Means Quotes) There is nothing better than music as a means for upliftment of the soul  (Means Quotes) The power of a man is his present means to obtain some future apparent good  (Means Quotes) What acting means is that you’ve got to get out of your own skin  (Means Quotes) Genius is rare because the means of becoming one have not been available  (Means Quotes) To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted  (Means Quotes) World power means nothing. Only the unsayable, jeweled inner life matters  (Means Quotes) Sometimes surrender means giving up trying to understand and becoming comfortable with not knowing  (Means Quotes) All goals apart from the means are illusions; becoming is a denial of being  (Means Quotes) Sincerity means that the appearance and the reality are exactly the same  (Means Quotes) Alloted duty means you should live full potentiality with which you are born  (Means Quotes) There is no harsher means of punishment, than to answer malice with kindness  (Means Quotes) Sometimes staying strong means not putting yourself in uncomfortable or triggering situations  (Means Quotes) Transcendence means going beyond duality. Attachment means remaining within duality  (Means Quotes) Seeing means that you don’t condemn fear as bad from the very beginnings  (Means Quotes)
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