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When I look at my family, that’s all life means, right there  (Means Quotes) My name means freedom [in Irish]  (Means Quotes) What does sharing music mean? It means playing it for people  (Means Quotes) A shrinking economy means lost sales and lost jobs  (Means Quotes) To practice Dhamma means to observe and examine oneself  (Means Quotes) Trust yourself, because as Oprah says, doubt means don’t every time  (Means Quotes) Creativity means not copying  (Means Quotes) I will take away your means of escape  (Means Quotes) Creating means living  (Means Quotes) If you give up, it simply means you never truly wanted it  (Means Quotes) To me, ultimately, martial arts means honestly expressing yourself  (Means Quotes) True generosity means accepting ingratitude  (Means Quotes) Garner knowledge, by any means possible  (Means Quotes) Nothing extraordinary is achieved through ordinary means  (Means Quotes) Empowering women means trusting them  (Means Quotes) The decisive means for politics is violence  (Means Quotes) Change means movement. Movement means friction  (Means Quotes) Being a martyr means loving someone even if it causes your tears  (Means Quotes) Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world  (Means Quotes) Not fitting in just means you’re in the wrong place  (Means Quotes) The essence of technology is by no means anything technological  (Means Quotes) Life on earth means: the sprouting of wings  (Means Quotes) Love means nothing in tennis, but it’s everything in life  (Means Quotes) Justice is the means by which established injustices are sanctioned  (Means Quotes) To me, friendship means loving tolerance  (Means Quotes) Homecoming means tradition  (Means Quotes) Music is a means of rapid transportation  (Means Quotes) Imperfection means perfection hid  (Means Quotes) God fearing simply means having respect for the most high  (Means Quotes) Progress means simplifying, not complicating  (Means Quotes)
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