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Last, but by no means least, courage - moral courage, the courage of one's convictions, the courage to see things through. The world; is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle - the roar of the crowd on one side and the voice of your; conscience on the other  (Means Quotes) By all means let's be open minded, but not so open minded that our brains drop out  (Means Quotes) Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means  (Means Quotes) Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can  (Means Quotes) I have heard an atheist defined as a man who had no invisible means of support  (Means Quotes) Astrology is a fact, in most instances. But astrological aspects are but signs, symbols. No influence is of greater value or of greater help than the will of an individual... Do not attempt to be guided by, but use the astrological influences as the means to meet or to overcome the faults and failures, or to minimize the faults and to magnify the virtues in self  (Means Quotes) Nullification means insurrection and war; and the other states have a right to put it down  (Means Quotes) Every man is equally entitled to protection by law. But when the laws undertake to add... Artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges - to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful - the humble members of society - the farmers, mechanics, and laborers, who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their government  (Means Quotes) The whole sum and substance of human history may be reduced to this maxim: that when man departs from the divine means of reaching the divine end, he suffers harm and loss  (Means Quotes) Democracy means not 'I am as good as you are,' but 'You are as good as I am'  (Means Quotes) Call the miracle self-healing: the utter self-revealing double take of feeling. If there's fire on the mountain or lightning and storm and a God speaks from the sky that means someone is hearing the outcry and the birth cry of new life at it's term  (Means Quotes) I am interested in art as a means of living a life; not as a means of making a living  (Means Quotes) Living is like working out a long addition sum, and if you make a mistake in the first two totals you will never find the right answer. It means involving oneself in a complicated chain of circumstances  (Means Quotes) You need a village, if only for the pleasure of leaving it. A village means that you are not alone, knowing that in the people, the trees, the Earth, there is something that belongs to you, waiting for you when you are not there  (Means Quotes) Suffering is by no means a privilege, a sign of nobility, a reminder of God. Suffering is a fierce, bestial thing, commonplace, uncalled for, natural as air. It is intangible; no one can grasp it or fight against it; it dwells in time - is the same thing as time; if it comes in fits and starts, that is only so as to leave the sufferer more defenseless during the moments that follow, those long moments when one relives the last bout of torture and waits for the next  (Means Quotes) Solvency is maintained by means of a national debt, on the principle, if you will not lend me the money, how can I pay you?  (Means Quotes) Truth only is prolific. Error, sterile in itself, produces only by means of the portion of truth which it contains. It may have offspring, but the life which it gives, like that of the hybrid races, cannot be transmitted  (Means Quotes) Freedom is not an ideal, it is not even a protection, if it means nothing more than freedom to stagnate, to live without dreams, to have no greater aim than a second car and another television set  (Means Quotes) The last consequence of a dying Christianity is a dying people. Not one post - Christian nation has a birth rate sufficient to keep it alive…. The death of European Christianity means the disappearance of the European tribe, a prospect visible in the demographic statistics of every Western nation  (Means Quotes) Where equality is enthroned, freedom is extinguished. The rise of the egalitarian society means the death of the free society  (Means Quotes) This struggle to preserve the old creeds, cultures, and countries of the West is the new divide between Left and Right; this struggle will define what it means to be a conservative. This is the cause of the twenty first century and the agenda of conservatism for the remainder of our lives  (Means Quotes) If war is the continuation of politics by other means, terrorism is the continuation of war by other means  (Means Quotes) There is no thought in any mind, but it quickly tends to convert itself into a power, and organizes a huge instrumentality of means  (Means Quotes) Girls think that being glamorous means making mistakes and being irresponsible. and that's just not true. The smarter you are, the better prepared you are to make decisions in your life, the more likely you are to lead a satisfying life and be glamorous and fun and anything you want to be  (Means Quotes) There is this benefit in brag, that the speaker is unconsciously expressing his own ideal. Humor him by all means; draw it all out, and hold him to it  (Means Quotes) The communism of Marx seeks a strong state centralization, and where this exists, there the parasitic Jewish nation - which speculates upon the labor of people - will always find the means for it's existence  (Means Quotes) We know who is benevolent by quite other means than the amount of subscription to soup societies. It is only low merits that can be enumerated  (Means Quotes) This is that which we call character, a reserved force which acts directly by presence, and without means  (Means Quotes) Cause and effect, means and ends, seed and fruit cannot be severed; for the effect already blooms in the cause, the end preexists in the means, the fruit in the seed  (Means Quotes) Be convinced that to be happy means to be free and that to be free means to be brave. Therefore do not take lightly the perils of war  (Means Quotes)
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