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An open mind is not an end in itself but a means to the end of finding truth  (Means Quotes) A pure heart means a single heart, a heart in which only one desire lives: love  (Means Quotes) We are insane. That is what sin is. Sanctity is identitical with sanity. It means living the truth, living in reality. Sin always substitutes unreality for reality  (Means Quotes) I give thanks to my Creator for this wonderful life where each of us has the opportunity to learn lessons we could not fully comprehend by any other means  (Means Quotes) To have dominion by religion, is to have dominion over men’s souls, thus over their very spiritual life, and to use the divine things, which are in their religion, as the means  (Means Quotes) Charity means love towards the neighbor and compassion, for anyone who loves his neighbor as himself also has as much compassion for him in his suffering as he does for himself in his own  (Means Quotes) Love means setting aside walls, fences, and unlocking doors and saying ‘yes.’ One can be in paradise by simply saying ‘yes’ to this moment  (Means Quotes) Success in fighting means not coming at your opponent the way he wants to fight you  (Means Quotes) If power means having control over one’s own life, then perhaps there is no better ranking of the impact of sex roles and racism on power over our own lives than life expectancy  (Means Quotes) With respect to the question of relationships, my general view is that freedom means freedom for everyone. People... Ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to  (Means Quotes) A size zero? I’ve never heard of that. That didn’t exist when I was growing up. When did that start? What does it mean? It means a person is not there, no? It makes no sense  (Means Quotes) Of all the means which wisdom acquires to ensure happiness throughout the whole of life, by far the most important is friendship  (Means Quotes) No pleasure is evil in itself; but the means by which certain pleasures are gained bring pains many times greater than the pleasures  (Means Quotes) Sex is a conversation carried out by other means. If you get on well out of bed, half the problems of bed are solved  (Means Quotes) Love is an act of endless forgiveness. It means forget inconvenient duties, then forgive yourself for forgetting. By rigid practice and stern determination, it comes easy  (Means Quotes) No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous  (Means Quotes) People should be guarded against temptation to unlawful pleasures by furnishing them means of innocent ones  (Means Quotes) Generally, I dislike fixedness in both long swords and hands. Fixedness means a dead hand. Pliability is a living hand. You must bear this in mind  (Means Quotes) What is truly profound is thought to be stupid and trivial, or worse, boring, while what is actually stupid and trivial is thought to be profound. That is what it means to fly upside down  (Means Quotes) Turning to God, truth, reality, simply means to let go, even fearfully at first, of our self-centered ideas  (Means Quotes) Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction  (Means Quotes) The simplest means are those which best enable an artist to express himself. His means of expression must derive almost all of neccessity from his temperament  (Means Quotes) Cease to pray and thou will begin to sin. Prayer is not only a means to prevail for mercy but also to prevent sin  (Means Quotes) Composing means you have a beginning, middle and end and a fluidity to what you’re doing  (Means Quotes) It is, I believe, better to restrain the passions of youth by a sense of shame, and by conciliatory means, than by fear  (Means Quotes) Fame means when your computer modem is broken, the repair guy comes out to your house a little faster  (Means Quotes) Progress … has subordinated the purpose of life to the means of subsistence and turned us into the nuts and bolts for our tools  (Means Quotes) We are sacrificing ourselves for our ready-made goods; we are consumers and live in such a way that the means may consume the end  (Means Quotes) Wit as an instrument of revenge is as infamous as art is as a means of sensual titillation  (Means Quotes) Whoever does not philosophize for the sake of philosophy, but rather uses philosophy as a means, is a sophist  (Means Quotes)
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