Means Quotes

Text Quotes
Justice doesn’t only mean that the people who commit crime are punished. It also means that we can never give up seeking the truth (Means Quotes)
Most people can’t handle boredom. That means they can’t stay on one thing until they get good at it. And they wonder why they’re unhappy (Means Quotes)
Pace doesn’t mean speed; it means the right speed. Diagnosis and cure are simple. If you’ve reached where you want to be in your story too quickly, ask yourself what you’ve left out. If you’ve come to a certain point too slowly, ask yourself what kept you so long (Means Quotes)
You cannot live your life other than walking in the truth. Your means are as important as your ends (Means Quotes)
One ambition of poetry, certainly, is to create a reverberant silence in its wake, one that means more or differently than the silence that preceded the poem (Means Quotes)
When you can’t imagine how things are going to change, that doesn’t mean that nothing will change. It means that things will change in ways that are unimaginable (Means Quotes)
Insights from myth, dreams, and intuitions, from glimpses of an invisible reality, and from perennial human wisdom provide us with hints and guesses about the meaning of life and what we are here for. Prayer, observance, discipline, thought and action are the means through which we grow and find meaning (Means Quotes)
You know that look a cop gives you when he’s so confused that he doesn’t even know how to respond? If you don’t know that look, it means you haven’t had enough fun in your life (Means Quotes)
When a catcher has to use his thumb to give signs, that means the pitcher has more than four pitches (Means Quotes)
Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society. Theatre can help us build our future, rather than just waiting for it (Means Quotes)
The artist is always searching for the meaning of life, his own and that of mankind, searching for truth. A system of uncertainty has entered our daily life. The pressures of mechanization and uniformity to which it is subject call for protest and the artist has only one means of expressing this, by music (Means Quotes)
We are in danger of valuing most highly those things we can measure most accurately, which means that we are often precisely wrong rather than approximately right (Means Quotes)
The question is not whether we wish to see everybody as well off as possible. Among men of good will such an aim can be taken for granted. The real question concerns the proper means of achieving it. And in trying to answer this we must never lose sight of a few elementary truisms. We cannot distribute more wealth than is created. We cannot in the long run pay labor as a whole more than it produces (Means Quotes)
I am the only one who can tell the story of my life and say what it means (Means Quotes)
When somebody asserts that a stock has an earning power of so much, I am sure that the person who hears him doesn’t know what he means, and there is a good chance that the man who uses it doesn’t know what it means (Means Quotes)
How strange it seems that education, in practice, so often means suppression: that instead of leading the mind outward to the light of day it crowds things in upon it that darken and weary it (Means Quotes)
Originality consists of returning to the origin. Thus, originality means returning, through one’s resources, to the simplicity of the early solutions (Means Quotes)
Make your workplace into showcase that can be understood by everyone at a glance. In terms of quality, it means to make the defects immediately apparent. In terms of quantity, it means that progress or delay, measured against the plan, and is made immediately apparent. When this is done, problems can be discovered immediately, and everyone can initiate improvement plans (Means Quotes)
Poetry is my cheap means of transportation, by the end of the poem the reader should be in a different place from where he started. I would like him to be slightly disoriented at the end, like I drove him outside of town at night and dropped him off in a cornfield (Means Quotes)
Humor, for me, is really a gate of departure. Its a way of enticing a reader into a poem so that less funny things can take place later. It really is not an end in itself, but a means to an end (Means Quotes)
Filmmaking, like any other art, is a very profound means of human communication; beyond the professional pleasure of succeeding or the pain of failing, you do want your film to be seen, to communicate itself to other people (Means Quotes)
Science fiction is very well suited to asking philosophical questions; questions about the nature of reality, what it means to be human, how do we know the things that we think we know (Means Quotes)
Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy, joyous and doing what you love to do, you are successful (Means Quotes)
Inflation, especially a slow steady rise in prices, encourages producers, because it means that they can commit themselves to costs of production on one price level and then, later, offer the finished product for sale at a somewhat higher price level. This situation encourages production because it gives confidence of an almost certain profit margin (Means Quotes)
The spectacle we find in true religions has as its purpose enchantment, not entertainment. The distinction is critical. By endowing things with magic, enchantment is a means through which we may gain access to sacredness. Entertainment is the means through which we distance ourselves from it (Means Quotes)
We cannot change what happened anymore. The only thing we can do is to learn from the past and to realize what discrimination and persecution of innocent people means. I believe that it’s everyone’s responsibility to fight prejudice (Means Quotes)
When the wrong question is being asked, it usually turns out to be because the right question is too difficult. Scientists ask questions they can answer. That is, it is often the case that the operations of a science are not a consequence of the problematic of that science, but that the problematic is induced by the available means (Means Quotes)
Being effective at social media, whether for business or personal use, means capturing people who have short attention spans. They’re only a click away from a picture of a funny cat, so you have to make your thing more compelling than that cat. And that can be a high bar (Means Quotes)
Clear skies will mean you are happy. Rain will mean you’re crying. Sunset means you are embarrassed. Night will mean you are gently holding me (Means Quotes)
Don’t think that the lack of leaders and of a party ideological line means anarchy, if by anarchy you mean chaos, bedlam, and pandemonium. What a tragic lack of political imagination to think that leaders and centralized structures are the only way to organize effective political projects! (Means Quotes)