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Measure Quotes

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Control your temper. Remember, you can measure the size of a person by what makes him or her angry  (Measure Quotes) The entrance His words find with me, will be the measure of the power of any words with Him  (Measure Quotes) It is circumstance and proper measure that give an action its character, and make it either good or bad  (Measure Quotes) A better measure of our success is to look at the people on our team and see how they are working together. Can they rally to solve key problems? If the answer is yes, you are managing well  (Measure Quotes) All social cooperation on a larger scale than the most intimate social group requires a measure of coercion  (Measure Quotes) The Full Measure of a man is not to be found in the man himself, but in the colors and textures that come alive in others because of him  (Measure Quotes) Time cannot children, poets, lovers tell - measure imagine, mystery, a kiss - not though mankind would rather know than feel  (Measure Quotes) The main measure of your devotion to God is not your devotional life. It is simply your life  (Measure Quotes) A dwarf who brings a standard along with him to measure his own size, take my word, is a dwarf in more articles than one  (Measure Quotes) Ah! The youngest heart has the same waves within it as the oldest; but without the plummet which can measure their depths  (Measure Quotes) The infinite wonders of the universe are revealed to us in exact measure as we are capable of receiving them. The keenness of our vision depends not on how much we can see, but on how much we feel  (Measure Quotes) Love! Beyond measure - beyond death - it nearly kills. But one wouldn't have been without it  (Measure Quotes) The erotic is a measure between the beginnings of our sense of self and the chaos of our strongest feelings  (Measure Quotes) The degree in which a poet's imagination dominates reality is, in the end, the exact measure of his importance and dignity  (Measure Quotes) To be happy you must have taken the measure of your powers, tasted the fruits of your passion, and learned your place in the world  (Measure Quotes) Any great work of art... Revives and readapts time and space, and the measure of its success is the extent to which it makes you an inhabitant of that world - the extent to which it invites you in and lets you breathe its strange, special air  (Measure Quotes) Through it all, we attempt to bring balance to the present moment, understanding that in patience lies wisdom, knowing that what will come next will be determined in large measure by how we are now  (Measure Quotes) The man who wants his wedding garments to suit him must allow plenty of time for the measure  (Measure Quotes) Given that she barely saw her father, given that she continued to measure out her contact with him, whether to deny herself or to deny him, she could not be sure  (Measure Quotes) We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added  (Measure Quotes) A man may call himself a Christian - but the measure of his Christianity is the occupation of his mind and heart with the truth as it is in Jesus  (Measure Quotes) There are two worlds: the world we can measure with line and rule, and the world that we feel with our hearts and imagination  (Measure Quotes) There are two worlds, the world that we can measure with line and rule, and the world that we feel with our hearts and imaginations  (Measure Quotes) Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers leisure; like doth quit like, and measure still for measure  (Measure Quotes) Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving  (Measure Quotes) Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity  (Measure Quotes) God expects from men something more than at such times, and that it were much to be wished for the credit of their religion as well as the satisfaction of their conscience that their Easter devotions would in some measure come up to their Easter dress  (Measure Quotes) I don't think that the total creation took place in six days as we now measure time. If we can confirm, say, the Big Bang theory, that doesn't at all cause me to question my faith that God created the Big Bang  (Measure Quotes) It is the sign of a great mind to dislike greatness, and to prefer things in measure to things in excess  (Measure Quotes) O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils, shrunk to this little measure?  (Measure Quotes)
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