Measure Quotes

Text Quotes
Lord of hosts! When I swim in the merciful waters of your grace I find that I can neither plumb nor measure the depths (Measure Quotes)
I emphasize that virtually every engineering calculation is ultimately a failure calculation, because without a failure criterion against which to measure the calculated result, it is a meaningless number (Measure Quotes)
For love that is not requited in equal measure is not love at all; it is not sacred. And holding on to the ideal of such love can keep us from finding the one that is true (Measure Quotes)
You cannot measure a man by his failures. You must know what use he makes of them. What did they mean to him. What did he get out of them (Measure Quotes)
Rereading a favorite novel first read 5, 10, or 20 years ago, is a measure of our travel, how far we’ve come; it’s a way of visiting an earlier self (Measure Quotes)
I watched the night sky with it’s countless stars and its moon, and I wondered about the universe and all that had been created, why the stars and the moon rose at night and the sun in the day, how vast it must be, how I could never understand the infinite measure of its size (Measure Quotes)
Common grace curbs the destructive power of sin, maintains in a measure the moral order of the universe, thus making an orderly life possible, distributes in varying degrees gifts and talents among men, promotes the development of science and art, and showers untold blessings upon the children of men (Measure Quotes)
Twitter is like hugging. Just because it’s hard to measure the return on investment doesn’t mean there isn’t value there (Measure Quotes)
A great measure of a man is how he reacts to a midnight awakening when there’s no fire or burglar in sight (Measure Quotes)
Do not measure the number of tragedies you sustain, but to quantify the success you derive from them (Measure Quotes)
I only bet on what’s dearest to a man’s heart. Else there is no way to tell if he’s bluffing. What a man is willing to risk or not to risk, that’s a measure of his soul (Measure Quotes)
Newton was a genius, but not because of the superior computational power of his brain. Newton’s genius was, on the contrary, his ability to simplify, idealize, and streamline the world so that it became, in some measure, tractable to the brains of perfectly ordinary men (Measure Quotes)
You are flawed, you are stuck in old patterns, you become carried away with yourself. Indeed you are quite impossible in many ways. And still, you are beautiful beyond measure. For the core of what you are is fashioned out of love, that potent blend of openness, warmth, and clear, transparent presence (Measure Quotes)
Until the 1990s, there were few reliable observations about movement at the scale of the entire universe, which is the only scale dark energy effects. So dark energy could not be seen until we could measure things very, very far away (Measure Quotes)
How on earth can otherwise sensible people get so involved in a football game? You could measure the lasting impact on the lives of the people who played it at just about zero (Measure Quotes)
The friendly smile, the word of greeting, are certainly something fleeting and seemingly insubstantial. You can’t take them with you. But they work for good beyond your power to measure their influence. It is the service we are not obliged to give that people value most (Measure Quotes)
The measure of human character is our reaction to dark times. No one can sidestep darkness. It is the throne upon which light sits. If a soul has not known sadness and struggle, there is no chance of overcoming, no cherishing the dawn (Measure Quotes)
You will never have to talk religion to anyone; men will see it talking in your life! You will radiate a positive influence at all times, which will in turn bring you happiness and health in good measure (Measure Quotes)
Playing for complications is an extreme measure that a player should adopt only when he cannot find a clear and logical plan (Measure Quotes)
This is one of those times when explaining a feeling cannot measure up to actually having the feeling (Measure Quotes)
Happiness and joy are not the same. For what does the fervent craving for joy mean? It does not mean that we wish at any cost to experience the psychic state of being joyful. We want to have reason for joy, for an unceasing joy that fills us utterly, sweeps all before it, exceeds all measure (Measure Quotes)
Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it (Measure Quotes)
Chronological time is what we measure by clocks and calendars; it is always linear, orderly, quantifiable, and mechanical. Kairotic time is organic, rhythmic, bodily, leisurely, and aperiodic; it is the inner cadence that brings fruit to ripeness, a woman to childbirth, a man to change the direction of his life (Measure Quotes)
There are so many kinds of time. The time by which we measure our lives. Months and years. Or the big time, the time that raises mountains and makes stars. Or all the things that happen between one heartbeat and the next. Its hard to live in all those kinds of times. Easy to forget that you live in all of them (Measure Quotes)
Woman magic. A quality that could bring great joy or havoc or both in equal measure (Measure Quotes)
The superior gratification derived from the use and contemplation of costly and supposedly beautiful products is, commonly, in great measure a gratification of our sense of costliness masquerading under the name of beauty (Measure Quotes)
As leaders, we understand that intangibles are important, but we don’t have a clue how to measure them (Measure Quotes)
It’s not about fooling somebody, it’s actually giving somebody a measure of their own belief: how much you want to be fooled. That’s why we pay to go to magic shows and things like that (Measure Quotes)
The provision of health care facilities must be accepted as a social responsibility. It is not that an individual who has the misfortune to be inflicted with some particular disease is solely responsible for searching the facilities to cure his illness. This is a social responsibility which is accepted by governments all over the world. This is part and parcel of the organization of individuals into societies. It is a measure of the degree of civilization (Measure Quotes)
Morals do not come from the state and society. Morality deals with weightier matters that measure our thoughts, words, and deeds against universals that are true regardless of time and place (Measure Quotes)