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Measure Quotes

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You can’t measure success if you have never failed  (Measure Quotes) Don’t eat me. I am an inchworm. I am useful. I measure things  (Measure Quotes) You measure yourself against yourself and nobody else  (Measure Quotes) You measure a player from the head up  (Measure Quotes) Audacity in wooing is a great virtue, but a man must measure even his virtues  (Measure Quotes) How many people you bless is how you measure success  (Measure Quotes) If you can not measure it, you can not improve it  (Measure Quotes) The degree of your anger over correction equals the measure of your pride  (Measure Quotes) Stillness within one individual can affect society beyond measure  (Measure Quotes) The literature of impotence is about to develop beyond measure  (Measure Quotes) The real measure of our power is the freedom and opportunity we create for others  (Measure Quotes) The ones that measure up are not always the ones you expect  (Measure Quotes) Measure your life in love  (Measure Quotes) The success of any change depends, in large measure, on your attitude about that change  (Measure Quotes) In the long run no individual prospers beyond the measure of his faith  (Measure Quotes) No man is greatly jealous who is not in some measure guilty  (Measure Quotes) It is by that which cannot be taken away that we can measure ourselves  (Measure Quotes) The true measure of a man is how he behaves when death is close  (Measure Quotes) Measure what can be measured, and make measureable what cannot be measured  (Measure Quotes) Embryology furnishes, also, the best measure of true affinities existing between animals  (Measure Quotes) Play the last measure very softly  (Measure Quotes) The best measure of success, is how you deal with failure  (Measure Quotes) You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made  (Measure Quotes) You measure a person by what it takes to discourage them  (Measure Quotes) Your painting is a measure of your mind  (Measure Quotes) What we are assigned to bear is in a sense a measure of our stature  (Measure Quotes) The only measure of what you believe is what you do  (Measure Quotes) The stopwatch doesn’t lie. The tape measure doesn’t lie  (Measure Quotes) Set a goal, measure it, change if you need to, keep going after the goal  (Measure Quotes) Quality, not quantity, is my measure  (Measure Quotes)
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