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Measure Quotes

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The story of any one of us is in some measure the story of us all  (Measure Quotes) Measure the hope of that moment, that feeling. Everything else will be measured against it  (Measure Quotes) The best measure of a spiritual life is not its ecstasies but its obedience  (Measure Quotes) You can’t measure time the way you measure the distance between two points  (Measure Quotes) Disorder increases with time because we measure time in the direction in which disorder increases  (Measure Quotes) Love is the measure of life; only so far as we love do we really live  (Measure Quotes) The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere  (Measure Quotes) You win by trying. And failing. Test, try, fail, measure, evolve, repeat, persist,  (Measure Quotes) Just because something is easy to measure doesn’t mean it’s important  (Measure Quotes) Measure the success of your days by the lives touched vs the hours passed  (Measure Quotes) On assessment: measure what you value instead of valuing only what you can measure  (Measure Quotes) All governments are in equal measure good and evil. The best ideal is anarchy  (Measure Quotes) She was everything he wanted from his life, the very measure of his dreams  (Measure Quotes) Measure your emotions. You don’t need an atomic explosion for a minor point  (Measure Quotes) Measure, time and number are nothing but modes of thought or rather of imagination  (Measure Quotes) Scholarship except by accident is never the measure of a person’s power  (Measure Quotes) If you can measure your height from head to heaven, he is taller than you  (Measure Quotes) Quotations will tell the full measure of meaning, if you have enough of them  (Measure Quotes) Measure not dispatch by the time of sitting, but by the advancement of business  (Measure Quotes) It is proper that every man should measure himself by his own proportion and standard  (Measure Quotes) City governments ought to be abolished, if only as a public health measure  (Measure Quotes) But presidential approval also became a surrogate measure of national unity and patriotism  (Measure Quotes) The reason why we have never found measure of wealth. We never sought it  (Measure Quotes) Never measure your generosity by what you give, but rather by what you have left  (Measure Quotes) Man cannot measure the bounds nor fathom the depths of divine forgiveness  (Measure Quotes) Success financially is a measure of creative success, it is the same in all arts  (Measure Quotes) Inflation is a form of hidden taxation which it is almost impossible to measure  (Measure Quotes) Even when life challenges us, it’s a gift beyond all measure  (Measure Quotes) I don’t measure America by its achievement but by its potential  (Measure Quotes) The measure of love is to love without measuring  (Measure Quotes)
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