Meditation is painful in the beginning but it bestows immortal bliss and supreme joy in the end

Meditation is painful in the beginning but it bestows immortal bliss and supreme joy in the end
Sivananda was a renowned spiritual teacher and founder of the Divine Life Society, who emphasized the practice of meditation as a means to attain inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. He believed that meditation was a powerful tool for self-realization and transformation, and that it could lead to the experience of immortal bliss and supreme joy.Sivananda often spoke about the challenges that one may face when starting a meditation practice. He acknowledged that meditation can be painful in the beginning, as it requires discipline, patience, and perseverance to quiet the mind and focus on the present moment. Many people struggle with racing thoughts, restlessness, and physical discomfort when they first attempt to meditate. However, Sivananda believed that these initial difficulties were necessary for growth and self-discovery.
According to Sivananda, the pain and discomfort experienced during meditation are a natural part of the process of purifying the mind and body. By confronting and overcoming these challenges, one can develop greater mental clarity, emotional stability, and spiritual awareness. Sivananda taught that through consistent practice and dedication, one could transcend the limitations of the ego and connect with the divine essence within.
As one progresses in their meditation practice, Sivananda believed that they would begin to experience moments of profound peace, joy, and bliss. These moments of inner stillness and tranquility are a glimpse of the immortal bliss that awaits those who continue on the spiritual path. Sivananda often described meditation as a journey towards self-realization and union with the divine, where one could experience the ultimate state of happiness and fulfillment.