Meditation Quotes

Text Quotes
You start meditation as an average human being who is filled with vagueness and not much purpose or definition, who is controlled by their desires, your mind spins all over the place, your senses spin all over the place, out of control (Meditation Quotes)
Even after only several weeks of practicing meditation, you will begin to have more energy and be a little bit happier. Eventually, you will experience ecstasy and knowledge beyond the power of words to describe! (Meditation Quotes)
Beginning meditation is a process of unhooking ourselves from thought, being motivated to meditate. It is very exciting in the beginning because we see the tremendous jumps we make in awareness (Meditation Quotes)
Meditation is a process of liquefying the self temporarily and then allowing the self to rebind. The ice melts and then it comes back again (Meditation Quotes)
As your meditation practice improves from month to month, more and more light and ecstasy will spill over into the moments of your daily life. Eventually you will always exist in a state of continual light (Meditation Quotes)
For years we practice meditation, like any art, and we get better at it each day. In the beginning it’s just enough for us to sit down and focus our attention (Meditation Quotes)
If you meditate, then the real miracle is the transformation of your awareness field beyond the body. Beyond the body there are oceans of light, continents of light, universes of light. Meditation frees you from this world (Meditation Quotes)
There are those who feel that meditation is unrealistic or takes them out of the world, and if that was your experience with mediation, you weren’t meditating (Meditation Quotes)
Meditation is not impractical or unrealistic, nor is it difficult to integrate with any lifestyle or age, in that it’s timeless, although it occurs in time (Meditation Quotes)
Meditation gives you personal power. You will notice that people will treat you differently as you progress because they can feel that power. Use that power wisely. If you search your heart, I think you will (Meditation Quotes)
Learn to control your emotions. Be able to glide through them. By practicing concentration exercises and meditation, you will find that when strong emotions strike, you will gain the ability to not be swayed by them (Meditation Quotes)
Meditation will give you the power to overcome fear. As you sit and meditate each day, it makes you stronger. The energy of the universe flows through your mind, your body, and your life (Meditation Quotes)
Will is developed in meditation. It is refined. It is within you, but you don’t know how to get to it (Meditation Quotes)
Meditation is a practice of detaching and then stopping ourselves from thinking; our thoughts are interruptions in the flow of awareness. Consciousness, in its highest aspect, is perfect and formless (Meditation Quotes)
Our current perception is very cloudy and all screwed up. As our perception increases through meditation, we’re seeing life more correctly (Meditation Quotes)
We are not really separate beings of light. That’s a dream we are having, the dream of multiplicity. Meditation takes us beyond the moment to eternal awareness (Meditation Quotes)
The period of meditation is a time when we go back to the source. We go back to what we were before we were born (Meditation Quotes)
Meditation is not emptiness. That is a way of trying to talk about something that is impossible to put into words. It is a world of fullness, if anything (Meditation Quotes)
You remember, you are drawn back to the pathway to enlightenment, to meditation, and when you begin to meditate your past life knowledge returns to you (Meditation Quotes)
In meditation we get a sense of the countless selves within ourselves, the different forms they take. Those that don’t seem positive or helpful we push aside. Those that seem progressive we enjoy (Meditation Quotes)
With the practice of meditation you can move into other states of mind, sort of ungluing the glue that binds you to a particular perceptual mode, a way of seeing life which is an illusory one (Meditation Quotes)
In meditation, when your thoughts are stopped, you become empty. When you are empty, your mind folds back on itself and you see through the illusions of the material world (Meditation Quotes)
When you develop your psychic vision after some meditation, you will be able to see the subtle physical of others, or perhaps yourself. At first you will see it as an aura; eventually you can see the whole subtle physical (Meditation Quotes)
Real meditation engenders humility and purity, always. Yet I don’t really think it demands any kind of lifestyle (Meditation Quotes)
Try to find a teacher of meditation and meditate at least once a week in a group with people who meditate a little better than you do. It will inspire you to keep meditating (Meditation Quotes)
In meditation, we are going back into the light. All our pain will be taken away, our frustration (Meditation Quotes)
The light is not quantifiable. You experience it in meditation when thought stops. When you go beyond the limitations of the ego, the light is waiting for you (Meditation Quotes)
Kundalini is generated through cultivating humility, purity, through meditation, selfless giving, and by studying with an advanced teacher on a personal level (Meditation Quotes)
Chakras are mystical energy centers that exist within the human aura. Tremendous occult power resides in a person’s chakras. Siddha masters draw upon that power during meditation, store it within themselves, and later use it to perform miracles (Meditation Quotes)
In meditation, as you go into the causal dimensions, the planes of light, you will be purified, energized and you will become wise (Meditation Quotes)