Meekness Quotes
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Text Quotes
Meekness is the mask of malice (Meekness Quotes)
Let weakness learn meekness (Meekness Quotes)
If you want to conquer anger, develop meekness and generosity (Meekness Quotes)
Love, patience, and meekness can be just as contagious as rudeness and crudeness (Meekness Quotes)
Bear calamities with meekness (Meekness Quotes)
Evil and faults are corrected by good, by love, kindness, meekness, humility, and patience (Meekness Quotes)
He who conquers his enemy with meekness, wins fame (Meekness Quotes)
Those who have tried meekness know the importance of being important (Meekness Quotes)
Humility is not cowardice. Meekness is not weakness. Humility and meekness are indeed spiritual powers (Meekness Quotes)
Meekness: Uncommon patience in planning a revenge that is worth while (Meekness Quotes)
Meekness is power under control (Meekness Quotes)
God bless thee; and put meekness in thy mind, love, charity, obedience, and true duty! (Meekness Quotes)
Nothing is more powerful than meekness. For as fire is extinguished by water, so a mind inflated by anger is subdued by meekness. By meekness we practice and make known our virtue, and also cause the indignation of our brother to cease, and deliver his mind from perturbation (Meekness Quotes)
The lion of anger shall give place to the lamb of meekness; the raven of uncleanness shall fly before the dove of purity; the vile serpent of deceit shall be trodden under the heel of truth (Meekness Quotes)
I still remain convinced that truth, love, peaceableness, meekness, and kindness are the violence which can master all other violence. The world will be theirs as soon as ever a sufficient number of people with purity of heart, with strength, and with perseverance think and live out the thoughts of love and truth, of meekness and peaceableness (Meekness Quotes)
Marriage teaches you loyalty, forbearance, self-restraint, meekness, and a great many other things you wouldn’t need if you had stayed single. (Meekness Quotes)
Love passes by us, robed in meekness; but we flee from her in fear, or hide in the darkness; or else pursue her, to do evil in her name (Meekness Quotes)
I’ll seek my own meekness. What grace I have is enough. the lost have their own pace. the stalks ask something else. What the grave says, the nest denies (Meekness Quotes)
Meekness is calm confidence, settled assurance, and rest of the soul. It is the tranquil stillness of a soul that is at rest in Christ. It is the place of peace. Meekness springs from a heart of humility, radiating the fragrance of Christ (Meekness Quotes)
Meekness implies a spirit of gratitude as opposed to an attitude of self-sufficiency, an acknowledgement of a greater power beyond oneself, a recognition of God, and an acceptance of his commandments (Meekness Quotes)
Let the professors of Christianity recommend their religion by deeds of benevolence - by Christian meekness - by lives of temperance and holiness. (Meekness Quotes)
We may make an oratory of our heart wherein to retire from time to time to converse with Him in meekness, humility, and love. Every one is capable of such familiar conversation with God, some more, some less. He knows what we can do. Let us begin, then. (Meekness Quotes)
This hard place in which you perhaps find yourself is the very place in which God is giving you opportunity to look only to Him, to spend time in prayer, and to learn long-suffering, gentleness, meekness - in short, to learn the depths of the love that Christ Himself has poured out on all of us. (Meekness Quotes)
Where might is, the right is: Long purses make strong swords. Let weakness learn meekness: God save the House of Lords! (Meekness Quotes)
Artificiality is one curse that will drop away the moment we kneel at Jesus' feet and surrender ourselves to His meekness. Then we will not care what people think of us so long as God is pleased. Then what we are will be everything; what we appear will take its place far down the scale of interest for us. Apart from sin we have nothing of which to be ashamed. Only an evil desire to shine makes us want to appear other than we are (Meekness Quotes)
... Hard people are weak people whom nobody wants, and the strong, caring little whether they are wanted or not, have alone that meekness which the common herd mistake for weakness (Meekness Quotes)
Humility, I have learned, must never be confused with meekness. Humility is being open to the ideas of others (Meekness Quotes)
If thou art rich, then show the greatness of thy fortune; or what is better, the greatness of thy soul, in the meekness of thy conversation; condescend to men of low estate, support the distressed, and patronize the neglected. Be great (Meekness Quotes)
Glances of true beauty can be seen in the faces of those who live in true meekness (Meekness Quotes)
The highest degree of meekness consists in seeing, serving, honoring, and treating amiably, on occasion, those who are not to our taste, and who show themselves unfriendly, ungrateful, and troublesome to us (Meekness Quotes)
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