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I have met a few Casanovas I like and a few I have not liked - and I hope to meet a few more  (Meet Quotes) My tables. Meet it is I set it down that one may smile, and smile, and be a villain  (Meet Quotes) You can't be halfway in this business. If you don't meet the fans, you lose all you've got  (Meet Quotes) Where two principles really do meet which cannot be reconciled with one another, then each man declares the other a fool and a heretic  (Meet Quotes) If you meet a girl, you meet a girl. It's normal, so if you exchange numbers, whatevs, it's cool  (Meet Quotes) Most radiant Pyramus, most lily white of hue, of color like the red rose on triumphant brier, most brisky juvenal, and eke most lovely Jew, as true as truest horse, that yet would never tire, I'll meet thee, pyramus, at Ninny's tomb  (Meet Quotes) Things happen in American politics in the political center. If the President will meet us in the center, there are things we can accomplish  (Meet Quotes) Why, that is nothing, for I tell you, father, I am as peremptory as she proud minded, and where two waging fires meet together they do consume the thing that feeds their fury. Though little fire grows great with little wind, yet extreme gusts will blow out fire and all  (Meet Quotes) Few would argue that Richard Dawkins is the world's most famous atheist, especially now that his friend and rival for the title, Christopher Hitchens, has now gone to meet his Maker  (Meet Quotes) Well, I've been waiting, I was sure we'd meet between the trains we're waiting for I think it's time to board another please understand, I never had a secret chart to get me to the heart of this or any other matter  (Meet Quotes) You meet people in Hollywood that are famous, and you're not sure what they got famous for  (Meet Quotes) I'm not one of those actors where filmmakers that I admire ask me to be in their movies. I meet them at parties and they're nice to me, but they never ask me to work with them  (Meet Quotes) My dad heard of a studio on the radio, and it was advertised as a place for kids to meet kids, and it was actually a studio, and that's where I met my manager and agent  (Meet Quotes) Forever, fortune, wilt thou prove an unrelenting foe to love, and, when we meet a mutual heart, come in between and bid us part?  (Meet Quotes) The family is inclusive of not just your genetic family, but the people that you meet along the way  (Meet Quotes) Consider that the trials and troubles, the calamities and miseries, the crosses and losses that you meet with in this world, are all the hell that ever you shall have  (Meet Quotes) The two poles could sooner meet, than the love of Christ and the love of the world  (Meet Quotes) Time is a beautiful thing. It's like when you meet an old lover on the street six years later and they don't look so ugly anymore  (Meet Quotes) I don't think San Francisco needs defending. I never meet anyone who doesn't love the place, Americans or others  (Meet Quotes) Don't you know that every time we meet the thoughts of the final parting will become more painful? Don't you feel that every interview makes us dearer to each other than the last?  (Meet Quotes) Temptations, when we first meet them, are like a lion that roared at Samson; but if we overcome them, the next time we see them we shall find a nest of honey within them  (Meet Quotes) Temptations, when we meet them at first, are as the lion that roared upon Samson; but if we overcome them, the next time we see them we shall find a nest of honey within them  (Meet Quotes) It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same afterwards, even unto our names  (Meet Quotes) Here we meet, on the page, naked and unadorned: shorn of class, race, gender, sexual identity, age and nationality  (Meet Quotes) Those in whom the Spirit comes to live are God's new Temple. They are, individually and corporately, places where heaven and earth meet  (Meet Quotes) Prostitution gives her an opportunity to meet people. It provides fresh air and wholesome exercise, and it keeps her out of trouble  (Meet Quotes) If it were possible to meet the beloved while laughing and in a state of comfort, why should one suffer the anguish of separation?  (Meet Quotes) You have city centre pubs where men go to meet girls, not realising that all girls in city centre pubs have thighs like tug boats and morals that would surprise a zoo animal  (Meet Quotes) I think democracy is the most revolutionary thing in the world….because if you have power you use it to meet the needs of you and your community  (Meet Quotes) When I meet somebody I want to leave a better impression than when I got there  (Meet Quotes)
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