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The tenacious character I’ve possessed since I was a small child propelled me to successfully meet this challenge, and I was able to safely gain acceptance to the university of my choice  (Meet Quotes) Freedom to many means immediate betterment, as if by magic. Unless I can meet at least some of these aspirations, my support will wane and my head will roll just as surely as the tickbird follows the rhino  (Meet Quotes) Embrace every challenge you have, every person you meet, every place you visit, every task you succeed at, and especially those at which you fail. You will learn from them all. You’ll learn about the world at large and about other people but most important, you’ll learn about yourself  (Meet Quotes) We know that hockey is where we live, where we can best meet and overcome pain and wrong and death. Life is just a place where we spend time between games  (Meet Quotes) As a former small business owner, I recognize both the important role small businesses play in our economy and the broad universe of challenges that small business owners face in trying to make ends meet  (Meet Quotes) We should have high expectations of our children, but politicians should not tell teachers how to meet them  (Meet Quotes) The changing economic situation, the changing global market means it is understandable that employers are constantly raising the bar. It is challenging the education system to come up with ever higher standards to meet the expectation of employers  (Meet Quotes) There is the glamour side of it, which allows you to meet great variety of people with whom you simply can have a good time, but there’s also the sad side of it that drags you into a superficial and artificial world  (Meet Quotes) I don’t date guys that I just meet randomly. I don’t feel comfortable meeting strangers  (Meet Quotes) Sometimes a hard day’s work is easier than a lot of things you can meet in life  (Meet Quotes) We must not condemn to frustration those whose job it is to protect us by failing to provide them with the necessary resources to meet the threats they face  (Meet Quotes) After my swims this weekend I think coach realized, you know what, you have to have a good one getting out of this meet. So I put the suit on and had a decent swim  (Meet Quotes) The moment one accosts a stranger or is accosted by him is above all in this life the moment of drama... Whoever we meet watches us intently at the quick, strange moment of meeting, to see whether we are disposed to be friendly  (Meet Quotes) When I first started, it was really an innocent response to the needs of women in rural areas. When we started planting trees to meet their needs, there was nothing beyond that. I did not see all the issues that I have to come to deal with  (Meet Quotes) Do not rely completely on any other human being, however dear. We meet all life’s greatest tests alone  (Meet Quotes) We must develop a deeper interest and greater understanding of the people we meet here or abroad. Like us, they are passengers on board that mysterious ship called life  (Meet Quotes) I’ve yet to meet a writer who could change water into wine, and we have a tendency to treat them like that  (Meet Quotes) I’ve probably given myself enough time to prepare for this meet and we’re all different athletes so I can’t take their results as what’s going to be inevitable for me  (Meet Quotes) Now about those ghosts. I’m sure they’re here and I’m not half so alarmed at meeting up with any of them as I am at having to meet the live nuts I have to see every day  (Meet Quotes) I know divers, and divers men know me, which love me as I do them: yet if I should pray them, when I meet them in the street openly, they would abhor me; but if I pray them where they be appointed to meet me secretly, they will hear me and accept my request  (Meet Quotes) Catholic schools prepare every student to meet the challenges of their future by developing their mind, yes, but also their body and their soul and spirit  (Meet Quotes) There aren’t any great men. There are just great challenges that ordinary men like you and me are forced by circumstances to meet  (Meet Quotes) When you are not practicing, remember, someone somewhere is practicing, and when you meet him he will win  (Meet Quotes) Never get married in the morning, because you never know who you’ll meet that night  (Meet Quotes) History is a kind of introduction to more interesting people than we can possibly meet in our restricted lives; let us not neglect the opportunity  (Meet Quotes) Hence, wherever we meet with vital phenomena that present the two aspects, physical and psychical there naturally arises a question as to the relations in which these aspects stand to each other  (Meet Quotes) I hate to lose the constituency that I’ve worked with, but I’ve got 170,000 people to meet in my new district  (Meet Quotes) When we meet a fact which contradicts a prevailing theory, we must accept the fact and abandon the theory, even when the theory is supported by great names and generally accepted  (Meet Quotes) As you get older, you find that often the wheat, disentangling itself from the chaff, comes out to meet you  (Meet Quotes) The wise soul feareth not death; rather she sometimes striveth for death, she goeth beyond to meet her. Yet eternity maintaineth her substance throughout time, immensity throughout space, universal form throughout motion  (Meet Quotes)
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