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I have learned not to overlook the advantages of being me. From when I was a softball player, and I held the stolen bases record. I would slide into second with my prostheses, and the girl on the base could either step aside or meet two wooden sticks  (Meet Quotes) I don’t see why it should be remarkable that you can acquire a reputation for fairness and decency. Those are qualities shared by so many people. And the great majority of people I meet are decent people, just trying to navigate their way through the world without causing too much trouble  (Meet Quotes) You know, the more you can meet people from different walks of life, the better it is for you. I think the more you can create situations and experiences that give you new perspective, the better  (Meet Quotes) I believe in luck and fate and I believe in karma, that the energy you put out in the world comes back to meet you  (Meet Quotes) When people go to a track meet, they’re looking for something, a world record, something that hasn’t been done before. You get all this magnetic energy, people focusing on one thing at the same time. I really get excited about it. It makes me want to compete even more. It makes it all worthwhile, all the hours of hard work  (Meet Quotes) It’s funny, because there are so many stereotypes out there about actors and movie stars in general, but I’ve had a great opportunity to meet a lot of them, and maybe it’s just because they don’t behave that way around me, but I rarely see that kind of abuse of power  (Meet Quotes) I see myself as not a typical theater person, but a person who uses the theater as a place to meet people and explore ideas  (Meet Quotes) The great thing about doing art shows is you get to meet the people who are interested in your art, and I think that when you’re purchasing a piece of art it’s a tremendous bonus to get to meet the artist because you get a chance to pick their brain a bit and find out first hand what the piece is about for the artist  (Meet Quotes) It’s so cool for me to do what I love to do for a living and meet people from all over the world  (Meet Quotes) When I meet celebrities, I have to know what they are like and only then can I design. The clothes have to fit their personality  (Meet Quotes) Robots may cut down on infection and mean a consultant can see more patients, but wouldn’t you rather meet the doctor than a machine?  (Meet Quotes) I’m a nice guy to anyone I meet, until they show me they don’t deserve niceness. I’ll turn very quickly. But I’m pretty pleasant overall  (Meet Quotes) He sits in his car at traffic lights on his way out sometimes and tries to estimate how many times he has sat here, waiting at these traffic lights on his way somewhere without you, hoping to meet someone with the capacity to consign you to an anecdote, to be eventually confused with others  (Meet Quotes) When you meet a man who is broken, pick him up and carry him. When you meet a woman who’s broken, put her all into your arms. Cause we don’t know where we come from … we don’t know where we are  (Meet Quotes) If you meet a woman of whatever complexion who sails her life with strength and grace and assurance, talk to her! And what you will find is that there has been a suffering, that at some time she has left herself for hanging dead  (Meet Quotes) Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don’t want it. What appears bad manners, an ill temper or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone  (Meet Quotes) Collect adventures and experiences to reminisce about…go to far places, meet new people, eat exotic foods, enjoy all varieties of women, look on unfamiliar landscapes, see new things  (Meet Quotes) So, if you cannot understand that there is something in man which responds to the challenge of this mountain and goes out to meet it, that the struggle is the struggle of life itself upward and forever upward, then you won’t see why we go. What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means and what life is for  (Meet Quotes) I meet a person, and in my mind I’m saying three minutes; I give you three minutes to show me the spark  (Meet Quotes) In life you’ll meet a lot of jerks. If they hurt you, tell yourself that it’s because they’re stupid. That will help keep you from reacting to their cruelty. Because there is nothing worse than bitterness and vengeance... Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself  (Meet Quotes) I was remembering the things we had done together, the times we had had. It would have been pleasant to preserve that comradeship in the days that came after. Pleasant, but alas, impossible. That which had brought us together had gone, and now our paths diverged, according to our natures and needs. We would meet again, from time to time, but always a little more as strangers; until perhaps at last, as old men with only memories left, we could sit together and try to share them  (Meet Quotes) I will meet you in the dirtiest city you can dream of. We will drink cocktails so sweet they pucker our cheeks, as we perch on cracked leather bar stools. I will buy you plates of calcium and protein and we will run through the streets in excellent danger  (Meet Quotes) Still, I look down, and the grass is so green, I cannot understand how it does not wither and die with sorrow. But against the emerald carpet, the warriors make war, and it is like a dance, almost beautiful, always macabre. The noise brings me back, the fearsome noise of swords striking swords, a metallic clanging that rings in my ears, echoing and echoing the fearsome din of men screaming and crying as they meet the sharp ends of blades  (Meet Quotes) A lot of people seem nice when you first meet them. Then later you find out that they are evil villains who plan to take over the world  (Meet Quotes) I hadn’t realized how much I’d been needing to meet someone I might be able to say everything to  (Meet Quotes) I think we can all agree that sleeping around is a great way to meet people  (Meet Quotes) We sit there, our eyes locked on one another, for several seconds. I know in my heart we’re both thinking the same thing. Jacob leans forward over the candle, the shadow of the flame dancing against his bottom lip. I lean forward to meet him as well. It’s a kiss full of promise, of trust, and of all that is magic  (Meet Quotes) Sometimes you meet yourself on the road before you have a chance to learn the appropriate greeting. Faced with your own possibilities, the hard part is knowing a speech is not required. All you have to say is yes  (Meet Quotes) Some nights the sky wept stars that quickly floated and disappeared into the darkness before our wishes could meet them  (Meet Quotes) It wasn’t only that you didn’t see him anymore, meet him anymore. You saw his absence and encountered it as something tangible. His not being there was like the sharply outlined emptiness of a photo with a figure cut out precisely with scissors and now the missing figure is more important, more dominant than all others  (Meet Quotes)
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