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Long live the elite rower’s motto:’early to bed, early to rise, never meet the regular guys.’  (Meet Quotes) The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding go out to meet it  (Meet Quotes) The beauty of the collage technique is that you’re using sounds that have never met and were never supposed to meet. You introduce them to each other, at first they’re a bit shy, clumsy, staring at their shoes. But you can sense there’s something there. So you cut and paste a little bit and by the end of the song you can spot them in the corner, holding hands  (Meet Quotes) He was my ultimate present my own personal miracle and I’d blown it. I’d given him away. It was like winning backstage passes to meet the rock star of your dreams and donating the tickets to charity. It sucked. Big time  (Meet Quotes) When human beings meet together seeking the spirit with unity of purpose then they will also find their way to each other  (Meet Quotes) In the face of so much pain, I remain an incurable optimist. I am fueled by the passion of the women I have been privileged to meet and work with, buoyed by their hope for peace, justice, and democracy  (Meet Quotes) There is job growth in renewables, there is job growth in energy efficiency and there is job growth in developing innovative industries and technologies to successfully meet the challenge of climate change  (Meet Quotes) You don’t really know how beautiful a girl is, until you meet her, all her beauty is in her personality  (Meet Quotes) We can only learn and advance with contradictions. The faithful inside should meet the doubtful. The doubtful should meet the faithful. Human slowly advances and becomes mature when he accepts his contradictions  (Meet Quotes) Meditation is really quite simple. All we have to do is embrace each experience with awareness and open our hearts fully to the present moment. When we are completely at ease with our own being, the ripples of awareness naturally spread out in all directions, touching the lives of everyone we meet  (Meet Quotes) It is no accident that you are reading this. I am making black marks on white paper. These marks are my thoughts, and although I do not know who you are reading this... the lines of our lives have intersected. For the length of these few sentences, we meet here. It is no accident that you are reading this. This moment has been waiting for you, I have been waiting for you. Remember me  (Meet Quotes) Empathy is the faculty to resonate with the feelings of others. When we meet someone who is joyful, we smile. When we witness someone in pain, we suffer in resonance with his or her suffering  (Meet Quotes) All of us knew that climbing was a sure way to stay poor, a lousy way to impress people and definitely no way to meet girls  (Meet Quotes) The night is full of stories. They float up like miasmas, as though the dead leave their dreams in the earth where you bury them, only to have them rise to meet you in sleep. Mostly the scenes are familiar, but sometimes everything is strange, the people unknown  (Meet Quotes) That is the magic of travel. You leave your home secure in your own knowledge and identity. But as you travel, the world in all it’s richness intervenes. You meet people you could not invent; you see scenes you could not imagine. Your own world, which was so large as to consume your whole life, becomes smaller and smaller until it is only one tiny dot in time and space. You return a different person  (Meet Quotes) Don’t shrink to meet the expectations of others, grow to become the person you want to be  (Meet Quotes) If you’re interested in opening the doors to the heavens, start with the door to your own secret self. See what happens when you offer to another a glimpse of who you truly are. When your heart is undefended, you make it safe for whomever you meet to put down his burden of hiding, and then you both can walk through the open door  (Meet Quotes) I work for men that I would love to meet, somebody who I could fall in love with, someone who intrigues me  (Meet Quotes) If you’re lonely, bored, or unhappy, remember you are mad young. There is so much time to meet new people and go to new places  (Meet Quotes) A song is like a smile. If you meet people from another country, even if you don’t speak the same language, you know what a smile means. A song works the same way. Music produces feelings that need no translation  (Meet Quotes) The understanding you gain from practicing gratitude frees you from being lost or identified with either the negative or the positive aspects of life, letting you simply meet life in each moment as it rises  (Meet Quotes) That honeymoon phase is so much fun in real life, when you meet and discover somebody new and fall in love and chase them. The pursuit. And that climactic final moment of ultimate togetherness  (Meet Quotes) When you meet the love of your life, it’s just obvious and natural and easier  (Meet Quotes) Keep your standards high, and any guy who is worth it will rise to meet them  (Meet Quotes) Expectations are just leftover praise. They are a blessing. If you didn’t have the capability to meet them, they wouldn’t exist  (Meet Quotes) ... Your company... will send drugs to all the underdeveloped countries of the world, and since they do not have any standards, we will fool them all and can make a great big profit and never tell the doctors that there is a risk... You will meet the standards of the country in which you are advertising, not the... proper standard... I would think that you would not sleep at night... I do not think this country will not stand for it  (Meet Quotes) The church is not here to meet our needs. We are the church here to meet the needs of the world  (Meet Quotes) The experiments made on the mutual electrical relations of bodies have taught us that they can be divided into two classes: electropositive and electronegative. The simple bodies which belong to the first class, as well as their oxides, always take up positive electricity when they meet simple bodies or oxides belonging to the second class; and the oxides of the first class always behave with the oxides of the other like salifiable bases with acids  (Meet Quotes) You can’t build a vocabulary without reading. You can’t meet friends if you... stay at home by yourself all the time. In the same way, you can’t build up a vocabulary if you never meet any new words. And to meet them you must read. The more you read the better  (Meet Quotes) I meet people who are famous, and it’s made me realise that fame has huge lifestyle disadvantages. I’m nervous about that. I don’t want to become a celebrity  (Meet Quotes)
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