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I kind of always think my work is unfilmable, and when I meet people who are interested in filming it, I’m always stunned  (Meet Quotes) The thing about startups is you can make it, and if it’s wrong you can remake it, and you can build a team that you want to have, a product that you want to have. You’re utterly focused on your users or your customers and their needs, and trying to figure out how to meet those needs  (Meet Quotes) If you use your mind to study reality, you won’t understand either your mind or reality. If you study reality without using your mind, you’ll understand both.... The mind and the world are opposites, and vision arises where they meet. When your mind doesn’t stir inside, the world doesn’t arise outside. When the world and the mind are both transparent, this is true vision. And such understanding is true understanding  (Meet Quotes) We are vulnerable to fear only when we leave the present. If I drift into the past, my regrets surge up, my memories of failing and forsaking. If I shift into the future, I meet with doubt and delusion, fear of what’s to come, what I’m not capable of controlling. It’s in the present moment that I belong  (Meet Quotes) You will meet people who believe all network marketing opportunities are pyramid schemes. Why spend all your time trying to convince them otherwise when there are legions of people who are open to what you have?  (Meet Quotes) I want my people to stay with me here. All the dead men will come to life again. Their spirits will come to their bodies again. We must wait here in the homes of our fathers and be ready to meet them in the bosom of our mother  (Meet Quotes) I suffer because my interactions with others do not meet the expectations I did not know I had  (Meet Quotes) God will probably allow us to ask questions about and discover some of the things we’ve always been curious about. Isn’t it marvelous to think about how we will be able to actually meet and talk to people who lived throughout history?  (Meet Quotes) If people can’t make ends meet at home with food, benefits, health, and health care in particular, how can they be present, engaged, knowledge workers when they come to work?  (Meet Quotes) You always have to give back to the fans. I remember being a fan of television and film when I was growing up and if I would’ve had the opportunity to meet somebody that I watched on television, it would’ve made my day, it would’ve made my life  (Meet Quotes) The spirit of dance is an amazing thing. When the body and the spirit meet, it’s a good thing  (Meet Quotes) I never had posters on my wall and when I meet actors that I really admire, it’s exciting because I get to work with them  (Meet Quotes) Only one fellow in ten thousand understands the currency question, and we meet him every day  (Meet Quotes) Though they seem at opposite poles, fanatics of all kinds are actually crowded together at one end. It is the fanatic and the moderate who are poles apart and never meet  (Meet Quotes) The earth’s distances invite the eye. And as the eye reaches, so must the mind stretch to meet these new horizons. I challenge anyone to stand with autumn on a hilltop and fail to see a new expanse not only around him, but in him, too  (Meet Quotes) Why should it happen that among the great many women whom I see and am fond of, suddenly somebody I meet for half an hour opens the door into poetry?  (Meet Quotes) Motivation is in the world around us. We have an infinite amount of material at our disposal, in the lives of those we meet, in what we see and feel, in what we discuss and from the passion of every woman  (Meet Quotes) He who draws... ought to take his position so that the eye of the figure he is drawing is on a level with his own... because, generally, figures or people whom you meet in the streets all have their eyes at the same level as yours, and if you make them higher or lower you will find that your portrait will not resemble them  (Meet Quotes) When you follow your bliss, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you  (Meet Quotes) I am a very simple man. I am a man first, an artist second. My first obligation is to the welfare of my fellow man. I will endeavour to meet this obligation through music, since it transcends language, politics and national boundaries  (Meet Quotes) Determination means to use every challenge you meet as an opportunity to open your heart and soften, determined to not withdraw  (Meet Quotes) The best way to go into an unknown territory is to go in ignorant, ignorant as possible, with your mind wide open, as wide open as possible and not having to meet anyone else’s requirement but your own  (Meet Quotes) The harder you chase something, the faster you go and the less you’re able to let life meet life. If you’re having difficulty coming up with new ideas, then slow down  (Meet Quotes) Always meet petulance with gentleness and perverseness with kindness. A gentle hand can lead even en elephant by a hair. Reply to thine enemy with gentleness  (Meet Quotes) Flow occurs in your life when your highest skills are matched to challenges that quite exactly meet them  (Meet Quotes) How badly I want that nameless thing! First there must be an idea, a feeling... Maybe it was an abstract idea that you’ve got to find a symbol for, or maybe it was a concrete form that you have to simplify or distort to meet your ends, but that starting point must pervade the whole  (Meet Quotes) I want my children to be able to meet and play and communicate with many other children on their own, not only when they are driven somewhere. I want them to grow up in an environment that is not just a place where people sleep but where people work.. and where people enjoy themselves  (Meet Quotes) Whoever has seen the masked at a ball dance amicably together, and take hold of hands without knowing each other, leaving the next moment to meet no more, can form an idea of the world  (Meet Quotes) Anybody who believes in something without reservation believes that this thing is right and should be, has the stamina to meet obstacles and overcome them  (Meet Quotes) If we cannot meet our everyday surroundings with equanimity and pleasure and grow each day in some useful direction, then... life is on the road toward misfortune, misery and destruction  (Meet Quotes)
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