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We have this mistaken notion that everybody in the world has to go to college. The colleges are already crowded with people who never in this world will absorb more than a rudimentary education, and we dilute everything to meet this low standard  (Meet Quotes) A personality is our way of being for others. We hope that others will meet us half way or more, gratify our needs, be our audience, soothe our fears  (Meet Quotes) Literary commercialism is lowering the intellectual standard to accommodate the purse and to meet a frivolous demand for amusement instead of for improvement  (Meet Quotes) If we, each doing our own part, if we do good to others, if we meet there, doing good, and we go slowly, gently, little by little, we will make that culture of encounter: we need that so much. We must meet one another doing good  (Meet Quotes) We need to meet, embrace and work with what we’re given. For what we want and what we’re given often serve two different gods. And how we respond to their meeting determines our path  (Meet Quotes) I have a little piece of advice for all the single guys out there, this is a piece of gold so please write this down. If you have the opportunity to star in a movie, do it. Seriously, I find it’s a lot easier to meet girls  (Meet Quotes) I get a lot of my inspiration from my family, but I never got to meet my dad’s dad  (Meet Quotes) We’ve all of us got to meet the devil alone. Temptation is a lonely business  (Meet Quotes) Beauty or beast, the modern skyscraper is a major force with a strong magnetic field. It draws into its physical being all of the factors that propel and characterize modern civilization. The skyscraper is the point where art and the city meet  (Meet Quotes) Performers and their public should never meet. Once the curtain comes down, the performer should fly away like a magician’s dove  (Meet Quotes) With everything that happens to you, with everyone you meet who is important to you, you either die a little or are born  (Meet Quotes) Always be nice to everyone in the firm on the way up. You never know who you may meet on the way down  (Meet Quotes) We waste a lot of time and a lot of talent trying to write for the common reader, whom we will never meet. Instead we should be writing for our ideal reader  (Meet Quotes) I write books to influence people I will never meet. Books increase my audience and my message  (Meet Quotes) The more people I meet, the farther out of my own little world I go, the more I see that we are all alike. And there isn’t one of us who can afford to pick up the rock in the glass house  (Meet Quotes) How will you know a good farmer when you meet him? He will not ask you for any favors  (Meet Quotes) Occasionally in my travels I meet people who have pushed too far into the nagual. These individuals are not too balanced but they have made great journeys in the unknown  (Meet Quotes) If you ever meet someone who cannot understand why solitary confinement is considered punishment, you have met a misanthrope  (Meet Quotes) I expect this is what death is like when you meet it. Sort of wildly unfair but inevitable  (Meet Quotes) We are just as apt to meet the grandmothers as the wolves when we go traveling  (Meet Quotes) Before you meet the love of your life, there’s usually one guy you date that you try to convince yourself is him. Let me save you some time: He’s not  (Meet Quotes) I want to be a witness to my own time because I’ve had a sneaking suspicion lately that I’m gonna live a lot longer than most of the people I meet. If I’m gonna be the only one still around to say what happened, I’d better pay close attention now  (Meet Quotes) Women are more in touch with their feelings, they’re more emotionally developed, they know what’s important in life, and the men run around like idiots trying to figure that out until they meet a woman that can show them what’s important  (Meet Quotes) Typically, I like to talk and meet with actors face to face well before we start shooting  (Meet Quotes) Reading is another thing that has made me more human by exposing me to worlds I might never have entered and people I might never meet  (Meet Quotes) You have moments of clarity, things become clear to you that you didn’t understand before. But there’s never any making ends meet or finding any time of longstanding peace of mind about something  (Meet Quotes) It’s disappointing when you finally get to meet someone you admire and he conducts himself as a jerk  (Meet Quotes) There are three very good reasons to travel: 1. See the world. 2. Meet new people. 3. Room service  (Meet Quotes) Don’t dodge difficulties; meet them, greet them, beat them. All great men have been through the wringer  (Meet Quotes) Artists need not meet any standards to practice their craft... Virtually every other occupation requires some sort of license, union membership or something that says you are qualified  (Meet Quotes)
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