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We create a mask to meet the masks of others. Then we wonder why we cannot love, and why we feel so alone  (Meet Quotes) When we meet and I discover that we have read and loved the same books, we are instant friends  (Meet Quotes) I’ve yet to meet a person in my life who doesn’t have some moral ambiguity  (Meet Quotes) Soon, I’m going to meet somebody around my own age, and she’s going to be smart and beautiful, and I’m going to date her daughter  (Meet Quotes) People who meet me as an adult are often surprised that I’m alive and have never been in prison or rehab. Sometimes they’re disappointed I’m not cooler  (Meet Quotes) We all owe life a death, an inevitable death which we can meet. But the unnecessary death that wastes life denies all consolation  (Meet Quotes) All lives have triumphs and tragedies, laughter and tears, and mine has been no different. What really matters is whether, after all of that, you remain strong and a comfort to your loved ones. I have tried to meet that test  (Meet Quotes) A friend suggested that I get a job at a children’s book store so I could meet kids and read books, and that turned out to be the single best bit of advice I’ve ever gotten  (Meet Quotes) Species evolve to meet the environment. An intelligent species changes the environment to suit itself. As soon as a species becomes intelligent, it should stop evolving  (Meet Quotes) Sometimes we meet people and are so symbiotic with them, it’s as if we are one person, with one mind, one destiny  (Meet Quotes) You meet people, you part ways, sometimes you cross paths again. Mostly, you don’t  (Meet Quotes) I try to treat whoever I meet as an old friend. This gives me a genuine feeling of happiness. It is the practice of compassion  (Meet Quotes) I roused myself from the book which I was dreaming over rather than reading, and left my chambers to meet the cool night air in the suburbs  (Meet Quotes) For, know that each soul constantly meets its own self. No problem may be run away from. Meet it now!  (Meet Quotes) I believe that, by and large, people are good and everybody you meet is more likely to surprise you in a positive way than in a negative way  (Meet Quotes) I just think it’s sad that the main places in our culture that we designate to meet new people are bars and nightclubs  (Meet Quotes) When you meet someone you really like and connect with, I think that’s very special, and not to be taken for granted  (Meet Quotes) If you were in a bad relationship and you meet someone new, you’re going to leave with your luggage. The next person is going to have to endure things that someone else causes  (Meet Quotes) You have no idea what it is like to constantly disappoint people. You see it the moment you meet them. You see in their eyes that they expected something so entirely different, and here they are meeting you  (Meet Quotes) Private sector development and the creation of small businesses spur investment, jobs, opportunity, and hope. It empowers the market to meet local needs, whether for food, basic goods, or services  (Meet Quotes) I wanna know how many buttons I’m going to get at meet and greets now  (Meet Quotes) Journalists immediately think of me as a resource for a quote or comment because they know that I will be available to offer fresh insight and meet their deadlines  (Meet Quotes) The more we keep our mind on ourselves and our wants, the more unhappy we become. God wants us to love others and meet their needs  (Meet Quotes) The key to making money in angel investing is saying no. You meet with 100 companies and say no to 99 of them  (Meet Quotes) Mobile communications and pervasive computing technologies, together with social contracts that were never possible before, are already beginning to change the way people meet, mate, work, war, buy, sell, govern and create  (Meet Quotes) I am working hard to provide solutions to meet a most pressing goal: preserving our way of life for our kids and grandkids  (Meet Quotes) With historicals, the research is half the fun. Contemporaries are especially easy. People are right out there in front of you; you meet them every day. You can concentrate wholly on the story and characters  (Meet Quotes) I don’t often meet people who want to suffer cardiovascular disease or whatever, and we get those things as a result of the lifelong accumulation of various types of molecular and cellular damage  (Meet Quotes) Closed timelike curve is the jargon for time travel. It means you go out, come back and meet yourself in the past  (Meet Quotes) We are face to face with our destiny and we must meet it with a high and resolute courage  (Meet Quotes)
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