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I begin by looking for megatrends, changes in the world that will create major new demands. My goal is to create a company that can be there to meet those demands  (Meet Quotes) For many years now, I feel like my own body struggle has been linked and connected with women I meet in the world. I think we’re in this together  (Meet Quotes) When I meet people on airplanes and they find out I’m an economist, they usually ask about stock tips  (Meet Quotes) I do, in fact, have a book club. I meet with a couple of guys once a month of a lunchtime discussion of some interesting text, usually, but not always, philosophical  (Meet Quotes) Like all good citizens, the elderly and people with disabilities want to eradicate waste and fraud from government, but helping people with special needs meet their basic needs doesn’t fit this description  (Meet Quotes) Understanding a person’s hunger and responding to it is one of the most potent tools you’ll ever discover for getting through to anyone you meet in business or your personal life  (Meet Quotes) Even the best parents have to spend so much time making ends meet that they cannot help their kids with homework or afford the extra tutoring that wealthier students enjoy. To address these unjust disparities, we need an early education revolution  (Meet Quotes) Early to bed and early to rise, and you’ll meet very few of the best people  (Meet Quotes) ... The sun does not shine upon this fair earth to meet frowning eyes, depend upon it  (Meet Quotes) There are many people that we meet in our lives. But only a very few will make a lasting impression on our minds and hearts  (Meet Quotes) The best a health care system can do is to equip itself to meet the needs of each individual woman and birth. Those needs run the gamut from undisturbed home birth to planned cesarean section  (Meet Quotes) Everyone I meet is in my sangha. I don’t know if that’s the proper definition, but that’s the way I’m going to hold it in my mind  (Meet Quotes) Whenever you meet anybody, it is a holy encounter. The primary event is the energy field of presence between you and the other human being that arises. You enjoy it. There is deep joy in the meeting  (Meet Quotes) Honoring the moment is honoring every human being you meet. The only place where you can meet them is in the moment  (Meet Quotes) None of the people are what you think when you first meet them, who you think they are, and they turn out to be maybe something a little different  (Meet Quotes) The man believes the woman’s got the hidden secret. That’s a rare thing. You meet lots of people, and they’re all deserved of love, of course, but romantic love involves some kind of supplement: she has the secret. That’s what’s desired  (Meet Quotes) One of the great bonuses of being a film actor is that I get to go to different places, meet inspiring people and learn different things. So all those details add up  (Meet Quotes) People should meet an acceptable threshold of appropriateness. But for many women in the public eye, it just seems that the burden is so heavy  (Meet Quotes) We should never stand upon ceremony with sincerity. We should never cheat and insult and banish one another by our meanness, if there were present the kernel of worth and friendliness. We should not meet thus in haste  (Meet Quotes) Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?  (Meet Quotes) If we fail to meet our problems here, no one else in the world will do so. If we fail, the heart goes out of progressives throughout the world  (Meet Quotes) Swimming is great because there are levels of goals. First, when I was four, it was making it to the other end and overcoming the fear of standing up in front of everybody at a swim meet because I was such a shy kid  (Meet Quotes) Just because people want to eat the burger doesn’t mean they want to meet the cow  (Meet Quotes) What occasions the greater part of the world’s quarrels? Simply this: Two minds meet and do not understand each other in time enough to prevent any shock of surprise at the conduct of either party  (Meet Quotes) Dance in your dream. Go out into the street and hug everyone you meet. Tell them how beautiful they are. Dance together  (Meet Quotes) Until the day when, your endurance gone, in this world for you without arms, you catch up in yours the first mangy cur you meet, carry it for the time needed for it to love it and you it, then throw it away  (Meet Quotes) A career, like a business, must be budgeted. When it is necessary, the budget can be adjusted to meet changing conditions. A life that hasn’t a definite plan is likely to become driftwood  (Meet Quotes) People call me a socialist sometimes. But, no, you gotta meet real socialists. You’ll have a sense of what a socialist is  (Meet Quotes) I sincerely want to meet the girl that was meant for me, but I want to sleep with the girls that weren’t  (Meet Quotes) You don’t meet a lot of people that you really like. I don’t anyway  (Meet Quotes)
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