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... when food is shared in a fair way, with solidarity, when no one is deprived, every community can meet the needs of the poorest. Human ecology and environmental ecology walk together  (Meet Quotes) If you meet with a system of theology which magnifies man, flee from it as far as you can  (Meet Quotes) The true value of networking doesn’t come from how many people we can meet but rather how many people we can introduce to others  (Meet Quotes) Hath any wounded thee with injuries? Meet them with patience. Hasty words rankle the wound; soft language dresses it  (Meet Quotes) The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in  (Meet Quotes) When we read we are able to travel to many places, meet many people and understand the world  (Meet Quotes) I’d like to meet the person who invented sex and see what they’re working on now  (Meet Quotes) Men are not worried by things, but by their ideas about things. When we meet with difficulties, become anxious or troubled, let us not blame others, but rather ourselves. That is: our ideas about things  (Meet Quotes) There is nothing good that does not meet with opposition, and it should not be valued any less because it encounters objections  (Meet Quotes) I am generally a very happy and easygoing person. I also believe it’s always better to meet people with a smile rather than looking cold, especially when you first meet. It changes everything  (Meet Quotes) Now go back and meet all those people who you think know everything. Convince yourself that they’re right, because we all know everything, it’s merely a question of believing  (Meet Quotes) I meet people every single day who have heard the music and incorporated it into their lives. I feel like I have a tribe all around the world  (Meet Quotes) Bullies do whatever they can get away with and keep pushing boundaries until they meet resistance  (Meet Quotes) Without education, your children can never really meet the challenges they will face. So it’s very important to give children education and explain that they should play a role for their country  (Meet Quotes) You wait a lifetime to meet someone who understands you, accepts you as you are. At the end, you find that someone, all along, has been you  (Meet Quotes) Do not lose heart. We were made for these times... For years we have been learning, practicing, been in training for... and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement  (Meet Quotes) We can meet our destiny, and that destiny to build a land here that will be, for all mankind, a shining city on a hill  (Meet Quotes) Meet you own self. Be with your own self, listen to it, obey it, cherish it, keep it in mind ceaselessly. You need no other guide  (Meet Quotes) You’ll always have to deal with bastards, being lied to, deceived, slandered and ridiculed, but that’s to be expected and you must thank heaven when you meet the exception  (Meet Quotes) It is sublime to think and say of another, I need never meet, or speak, or write to him: we need not reinforce ourselves, or send tokens of remembrance; I rely on him as on myself: if he did thus and thus, I know it was right  (Meet Quotes) Poor brain! How helplessly it dissolves when willing eyes meet and the nose warms to those old jungle scents  (Meet Quotes) Whenever I’m offered something, I always read the script and meet the director. I still appreciate just being considered  (Meet Quotes) I get a lot of letters from introverts asking how they can meet people. The key is to make sure that you are doing things you enjoy  (Meet Quotes) The roads of science are narrow, so that they who travel them, must wither follow or meet one another  (Meet Quotes) Meet them halfway with love, peace, and persuasion, and expect them to rise for the occasion  (Meet Quotes) In the twilight glow I see her, blue eyes crying in the rain. As we kissed goodbye and parted, I knew we’d never meet again  (Meet Quotes) There are always deadlines I have to meet. I don’t let myself get too close to the deadlines, so it’s not like I’m just sweating bullets or anything if the clock is ticking. I never let myself get in that situation  (Meet Quotes) Life is a canvas of many strokes where shades from different palettes meet into a picture so concrete that some forget it is their own, so become framed themselves  (Meet Quotes) I know what it’s like to meet someone you admire and have them be a complete jerk  (Meet Quotes) The higher mental development of woman, the less possible it is for her to meet a congenial male who will see in her, not only sex, but also the human being, the friend, the comrade and strong individuality, who cannot and ought not lose a single trait of her character  (Meet Quotes)
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