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It takes a noble man to plant a seed for a tree that will someday give shade to people he may never meet  (Meet Quotes) Rather than assume that the wealthy are a monolithic, selfish and unfeeling lot who must be subjugated by the force of the state, set a tone that encourages people of good will to meet in the middle  (Meet Quotes) Adventurer: he that goes to meet whatever may come. Well, that is what we all do in the world one way or another  (Meet Quotes) In a world shaped and colored more and more by politicians, the nations meet politically, and hardly any other way to settle their differences  (Meet Quotes) America’s government is not even aware of the gap between its commitments and action, because almost nobody in authority understands the actions that would be needed to meet the commitments  (Meet Quotes) You have to start knowing yourself so well that you begin to know other people. A piece of us is in every person we can ever meet  (Meet Quotes) If we are going to be wise, spiritual people prepared to meet the crises of our age, we must be a studying, learning community that values the life of the mind  (Meet Quotes) If there are two persons praying, there are three. If three meet to pray, there are four praying. There is always one more than you can see  (Meet Quotes) When you meet someone, treat them as if they were in serious trouble, and you will be right more than half the time  (Meet Quotes) If you meet a girl in whose presence you feel a desire … to do your best, … such a young woman is worthy of your love  (Meet Quotes) When we are depressed, our thinking blocks us from being aware of our needs, and then being able to take action to meet our needs  (Meet Quotes) I believe that the most joyful and intrinsic motivation human beings have for taking any action is the desire to meet our needs and the needs of others  (Meet Quotes) It means that there’s only one love for everyone who exists. And when you meet that love, you know them. You know you were meant to be together, and nothing can keep you apart  (Meet Quotes) Every book is three books, after all; the one the writer intended, the one the reader expected, and the one that casts its shadow when the first two meet by moonlight  (Meet Quotes) As we rise to meet the challenges that are a natural part of living, we awaken to our many undiscovered gifts, to our inner power and our purpose  (Meet Quotes) There are only two reasons to sit in the back row of an airplane: Either you have diarrhea, or you’re anxious to meet people who do  (Meet Quotes) Everyone you know and all the people you meet have the potential to be someone important in the lives of others  (Meet Quotes) Dad: someone who hopes his son will turn out just like him,and who is afraid his daughters will meet someone who did  (Meet Quotes) Quality planning consists of developing the products and processes required to meet customer’s needs  (Meet Quotes) Every contact you make with everyone you meet will help them or hinder them on their journey to heaven  (Meet Quotes) When I meet a couple, I’m always interested to know if they have been together for a long time, or how loyal they are, because I know that will impact on how much I’m prepared to trust them  (Meet Quotes) The blues he sends to meet me, won’t defeat me. It won’t be long til happiness steps up to greet me  (Meet Quotes) But I do believe that in all my shows, I really enjoy the quirky, the eccentric characters, the ones you don’t meet every day  (Meet Quotes) Being aloof, gruff, or stern never got anyone anywhere. Who wants to be treated like that? Certainly not you. And surely not the people you meet  (Meet Quotes) How can we expect novelists to be moral, when their trade forces them to treat every end they meet as no more than an imperfect means to a novel  (Meet Quotes) Death is an old friend; I know him well. I lived with him, ate with him, slept with him; to meet him again does not frighten me death is as necessary as birth, as happy in its own way  (Meet Quotes) One person seeking glory doesn’t accomplish much. Success is the result of people pulling together to meet common goals  (Meet Quotes) If I were to meet the most incredible man, and he just so happened to not make as much money as I do, I wouldn’t hold it against him  (Meet Quotes) Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behavior decides who stays in your life  (Meet Quotes) Architecture is the alphabet of giants; it is the largest set of symbols ever made to meet the eyes of men. A tower stands up like a sort of simplified stature, of much more than heroic size  (Meet Quotes)
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