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And for me, the real world involves everything: risk, danger, beauty, energy, all we meet with in the real world  (Meet Quotes) It’s always cool to meet people who can do things that you have no capacity to do  (Meet Quotes) Meet some people who care about poetry the way you do. You’ll have that readership. Keep going until you know you’re doing work that’s worthy. And then see what happens. That’s my advice  (Meet Quotes) My father and mother were second cousins, though they did not meet till shortly before their marriage  (Meet Quotes) The tendency of old age to the body, say the physiologists, is to form bone. It is as rare as it is pleasant to meet with an old man whose opinions are not ossified  (Meet Quotes) Then you get to be involved with all the people, meet all the beautiful girls, get all the good food, get ready and locked in before all the crowds hit  (Meet Quotes) While some people are certainly seeing economic benefits, many others are unemployed, underemployed, without health insurance and struggling to make ends meet  (Meet Quotes) Courtney Love is really cool and funny. I would like to meet Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz. I think I could play their daughters  (Meet Quotes) For young girls, whom I meet a lot when I travel around the country, it will be a big thing. It will really show them that there’s no post in Denmark that a girl can’t aspire to  (Meet Quotes) I was up watching Meet Joe Black at four AM. I was hoping Brad Pitt would die, and he was still alive at seven forty in the morning! I actually felt sorry for once, for critics  (Meet Quotes) I’m sick of just liking people. I wish to God I could meet somebody I could respect  (Meet Quotes) If you meet a woman in a burqa, she can’t reply to your smile. It’s a denial of identity  (Meet Quotes) It’s my first presenting role so I’ll be nervous, but it’s going to be great fun. I can’t wait to sample the food and meet the celebrities. Hopefully I can inject some of my own glamour  (Meet Quotes) Janet Jackson is an icon, I’ve been honored to meet her a few times, working with her would be amazing  (Meet Quotes) Never be a food snob. Learn from everyone you meet - the fish guy at your market, the lady at the local diner, farmers, cheese makers. Ask questions, try everything and eat up!  (Meet Quotes) Never be afraid to meet to the hilt the demand of either work, or friendship - two of life’s major assets  (Meet Quotes) Never get married in the morning - you never know who you might meet that night  (Meet Quotes) Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people - your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way  (Meet Quotes) No one else can take risks for us, or face our losses on our behalf, or give us self-esteem. No one can spare us from life’s slings and arrows, and when death comes, we meet it alone  (Meet Quotes) Not by appointment do we meet delight Or joy; they heed not our expectancy; But round some corner of the streets of life they of a sudden greet us with a smile  (Meet Quotes) Now I meet people with full-color Wolverine tattoos on their backs. Thank God I did okay, because I think if I hadn’t, they’d spit on me in the street  (Meet Quotes) One of the perks of being an actor is to get to meet athletes that you respect. Especially who played before my time. Brooks Robinson is one of those athletes; they just don’t make them any nicer  (Meet Quotes) Our career is a dream. I mean, we get to act, travel around the world, and meet cool people. What’s not to love!  (Meet Quotes) Today we thank God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon this great Country and ask Him to continue to heal our land and meet our needs - and we do so through the power of prayer  (Meet Quotes) Various channels of dialogue must be kept open to build trust. I will meet North Korea’s leader if it is needed to develop relations between the two Koreas  (Meet Quotes) Vince Vaughn is a genuine person, awesome guy. He’ll come to a lot of my shows. It’s not that often that you can meet someone as cool as Vince  (Meet Quotes) We at the Department of Education are going to provide technical assistance; I’ve committed $14 million to show states how they might meet this more sophisticated approach  (Meet Quotes) When I was 20, I went to Paris and tried to meet French women. It didn’t work  (Meet Quotes) Wherever we go, across the Pacific or Atlantic, we meet, not similarity so much as ‘the bizarre’. Things astonish us, when we travel, that surprise nobody els  (Meet Quotes) Worry is the warning light that shows I’ve stopped looking to God to meet my needs  (Meet Quotes)
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