Meet Quotes

Text Quotes
Culture is like the sum of special knowledge that accumulates in any large united family and is the common property of all its members. When we of the great Culture Family meet, we exchange reminiscences about Grandfather Homer, and that awful old Dr. Johnson, and Aunt Sappho, and poor Johnny Keats (Meet Quotes)
Good Nature, and Evenness of Temper, will give you an easie Companion for Life; Vertue and good Sense, an agreeable Friend; Love and Constancy, a good Wife or Husband. Where we meet one Person with all these Accomplishments, we find an Hundred without any one of them (Meet Quotes)
I don’t think I’ll ever meet the perfect woman. I might have to get me one of them mail order women. You can do that: you send away to the Philippines, and they send you a wife. The only thing is, once you’re on their mailing list, they keep sending you a relative a month whether you want it or not (Meet Quotes)
Today the Secretary of State said that of the 247 candidates, so far 115 of them have been certified. How embarrassing is that? Imagine if you were turned down because you didn’t meet the high standards set by Larry Flynt and Gallagher (Meet Quotes)
There’s virtually nothing to stop the cold air from off of Hudson Bay from flowing down across the midlands. So you get good contrast: the warm air coming up -- the cold air coming down -- and where they meet is your typical frontal location (Meet Quotes)
Presidential candidate Donald Trump had a meeting with Ted Cruz. He said he does not know why he agreed to fly to New York to meet Ted Cruz and then he promised to bring that kind of leadership to the Oval Office (Meet Quotes)
England has the most sordid literary scene I’ve ever seen. They all meet in the same pub. This guy’s writing a foreword for this person. They all have to give radio programs, they have to do all this just in order to scrape by. They’re all scratching each other’s backs (Meet Quotes)
August for the people and their favourite islands. Daily the steamers sidle up to meet The effusive welcome of the pier (Meet Quotes)
We’re just getting started. We’re just beginning to meet what will be the future-we’ve got the Model T (Meet Quotes)
At Harvard, I got to meet and have dinner with Jamaica Kincaid. Just to have conversations with professors was absolutely amazing (Meet Quotes)
When a thought of Plato becomes a thought to me,--when a truth that fired the soul of Pindar fires mine, time is no more. When I feel that we two meet in a perception, that our two souls are tinged with the same hue, and do as it were run into one, why should I measure degrees of latitude, why should I count Egyptian years? (Meet Quotes)
As we try to change, we will discover within us a fierce struggle between our loyalty to that battle-scarred victim of his own childhood, our father, and the father we want to be. We must meet our childhood father at close range: get to know him, learn to forgive him, and somehow, go beyond him (Meet Quotes)
In 1998, I was screening ‘Good Will Hunting’ at Camp David. And I was saying, ‘Nice to meet you, Mr. President. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Clinton.’ Madeleine Albright, Sandy Berger, Senator Daschle. It was an extraordinary day (Meet Quotes)
I didn’t really get into underground comics, though I’ve liked some of what I’ve seen. Dame Darcy was very impressive to meet, really talented. In general, I’ve always been more interested in searching out music, so I think I miss out on a lot of underground art (Meet Quotes)
My favorite is when you go to Afghanistan and you meet the special forces guys, and they look like these heavily armed surfers. These guys are the best. You see guys dressed as full Afghans, but then wearing a Yankees hat (Meet Quotes)
I went from buying my own condominium and a car for myself when I was 17 on ‘The Facts of Life’ to not being able to pay my rent. I was at the unemployment office all the time. I had to sell my record collection just to make ends meet. And then I started getting these voice-over jobs (Meet Quotes)
I grew up in a town with no movie theater. TV was my only link to the outside world. Film wasn’t such a big deal to me. It was TV. So much so, that when I meet TV stars now... Not my co-workers, but real TV stars, I get nervous. I freak out around them (Meet Quotes)
It’s no secret that big institutional investors have a lot of advantages on Wall Street. They get the first chance to buy hot initial public offerings. They get to meet in person with companies’ managements (Meet Quotes)
Thanks to presidential immunity and executive control of the Justice Department, there are no consequences to executive branch lawbreaking. And when it comes to presidential lawbreaking, the sitting president could literally strangle someone to death on national television and meet with no consequences (Meet Quotes)
We’re going to have robots in the home, but they’re not going to be walking. Legs are complicated, unreliable and costly. Robots are going to look and be designed to meet the function they’re supposed to perform. People will still name them and connect with them (Meet Quotes)
On our swim team, they had something called the ‘developmental meet.’ I didn’t know it was a meet only for the worst kids so that they could get a ribbon, and I’d show up with my friend who was also a terrible swimmer, and we would be amazed that the best kids hadn’t bothered to show up. I didn’t get it until after college (Meet Quotes)
I think it’s important for girls at a young age to be involved in as many things as possible. Especially safe communities of people that teach them great life lessons like self-confidence and courage. And getting girls to go to camp especially in the summer where they can meet new friends, learn new things, and not just sit at home and watch TV (Meet Quotes)
We meet so many people, and it’s interesting when you meet someone who you really connect with. They have their own energy, their own personality, and that is something so different than just beauty. So that really drives the decision for who to work with on a campaign (Meet Quotes)
It’s an interesting thing. When you’re young you often ask people what they want to do when they’re older, then you meet them years later and they’re not doing that. I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to be a singer, but I just believed and knew somehow that I’d be in showbiz, although I had no idea how I was going to do it. Dreams do come true (Meet Quotes)
People build continuity into their life: Places, friends and goals. We go to work on Monday with plans for Friday night, enroll as freshmen intending to be seniors and save money for retirement. We try to control what comes next and shape it to meet our will (Meet Quotes)
I grew up with a lot of compassion and empathy. I notice when I meet other friends of mine that were raised Christian sometimes we have similar model of sensitivity, whether to our advantage or disadvantage (Meet Quotes)
Obviously, this isn’t my normal life, traveling to cities and talking to journalists. It’s fun. It’s really fun. I get to stay in a cool hotel and eat good food and meet cool people, but that’s not my normal life. It’s pretty pedestrian. I have coffee in the morning, I go for a run, and then I write for as long as I possibly can (Meet Quotes)
We get through life and this is part of the education process also. In real life, we meet bad bosses and good bosses and good friends and bad friends. I think we should let the teachers do their work and not impose too much stuff on them (Meet Quotes)
There’s something really sweet about the way he’s playing the part and he’s kind of irresistible in a way. They’re both really lonely. That’s kind of established from the very beginning in the movie. The way they meet is just classic, lonely losers (Meet Quotes)
They’re very sociable occasions and there’s no barriers between us and the audience. It’s customary that after our performances, we go out into the foyer and spend an hour or so signing autographs for the fans and having our pictures taken with them.We strongly believe that going out front to meet the fans is just as important as playing the gigs - and we all love a good natter! (Meet Quotes)