Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes

Text Quotes
Pessimism and hopelessness are two assassins that have been hired by very ourselves to kill ourselves (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Pigs are dirty, but I will tell you something dirtier: Liars! Untruth always smells like rotten garbage! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Poverty is a mathematical proof of the fact that mankind is a big failure (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Poverty is a scorpion; it stings the poor and it also stings the men with high conscience who feel sad about the poverty; the rest is immune to it (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Power is not to resist the criticisms; power is to seek for something useful to use amongst the criticisms (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Priest is a fisherman and Holy Book is a fishook. We either refuse to be a fish or we burn in the frying pan of irrationality! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Procrastination is the best action against putting an ankle bracelet on future (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Protected by hundred bodyguards, even a chick can show some courage! That’s also the secret of why some head of states look brave! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Put no limit to your thinking or you can never go far and never find the truth (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Quotations are the gold mine of human mind, the silver pearls of the wisdom ocean, and the cool drops of the rain of intelligence (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Rain never understands why people hide under their umbrellas! Let us make a surprise to the rain by closing our umbrellas! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Realise well, proud little man that even the highest clouds don’t shine! For above all things there lie brightest stars (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Reason and religion cannot coexist together. If reason exists, then paradise, prophets and all other religiuous illusions disappear (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Refuse to seek for the road to paradise, because every beautiful place is already a paradise (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Religion does not belong to God; it belongs to the human reaction against mortality (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Religion is an illusion and every illusion has the inevitable destiny of a soap bubble (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Religion is not a bridge between God and Man; it is a Great Wall of China between them (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Remember that animals are born to live their own lives, not to serve you! Do not use them; do not exploit them. Let them live their own lives (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Repeat the truth so that the dull can grasp it! Repeat the truth with the speed of a woodpecker’s beak making holes in tree trunks! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Rest your eyes well before September because with all its colours autumn is coming to visit them (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Revolution is an awakening, so is the spring! Spring is an awakening, so is the revolution! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Roald Amundsen says that ‘Adventure is just bad planning.’ In that case, friends, let us make more bad planning! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Sand can resist to water; but it cannot win. Ignorant can resist to knowledge; but it cannot win (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Seek not a lighthouse greater than the human mind! Believe not the existence of an emotion nobler than the compassion! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Seek truth! Seek truth in the darkness, under the oceans, above the clouds; seek it everywhere and every time! Stop deceiving yourself with the untruth, seek the truth! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Shepherds know many mysterious languages; they speak the language of sheep and dogs, language of stars and skies, flowers and herbs (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Silence is a giver; it gives some things to you! Noise is a taker; it takes some things from you! Seek for the silence! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Since the future is unknown, in every step forward we walk to the unknown (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Since there are thousands of reasons to be happy, let us smile so many thousands times (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Slander is the biggest occupation of a man who produces nothing but lies (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)