Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes

Text Quotes
Every journey will take us to somewhere even if at the beginning it looks like taking us to nowhere! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Any second can be the beginning of anything; any second can be the end of anything! Welcome to our universe! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
If you ever meet a higher being, do not worship it; only try to be its friend! Worship is primitiveness and no higher and developed being likes worshipping! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
If you think that you are living in a stupid country, you can be sure that you are being governed by the most stupid people! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Buffaloes are stronger than the lions, but they often fall prey to lions because they hesitate to be courageous and thus run away! Be determined or accept being destroyed! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
A gazelle runs faster than us; cockroaches are remarkably tolerant of radiation; every being has some superiority; in remembering this, be very humble! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
A tree in the middle of a giant rock may grow up if it is stubborn like hell! Sometimes to be successful in life is simply made up of being stubborn as a mule! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Sometimes war takes an arm, or an eye, or it takes two legs from us, but above all the war takes our belief in humanity away from us! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
My faith is that I don’t believe in fate! We are not puppets or zombies of destiny. We are the main painters of our life’s canvas. (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
There are no ‘perfect liars’ in the world; there are only ‘perfect believers’ who believe in even the most obvious lies! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
If I see any politician or a priest or an imam or a rabbi in the Paradise, I will give up believing in God! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
All cultures have things to learn from all other cultures. Don’t get stuck in your culture! Go beyond it! Get out of your aquarium; get out of your farm; get out of your castle; break your bell jar! Give chance to other cultures and to other opinions! This is the best way for you to see the insufficiencies, absurdities and stupidities in your culture! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
If a railroad is bent, the train shall turn over; if a man’s character is bent, he shall turn over just like that train. (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
If you are good at in the art of finding consolation, it means that you have the best medicine after the disasters. (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
When you make a child happy, the best gift you will ever get will be the smile of that child! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
The best thing about Valentine’s Day is that if you don’t have a lover, you badly remember to get one! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
For the hard roads, you must have good shoes! And your brain and your luck are your best shoes ever! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Walk at the edge of the precipices! It is the best way to learn walking carefully! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
For humans as well as for ships, dark stormy nights are better teachers than tranquil sunny days (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Dalai Lama once said that ‘My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.’ This is a great thought! Humanity has never seen and will never see any religion better than this! Seek no religion other than the religion of kindness! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Don’t challenge the world before becoming a big fire; otherwise they will extinguish you even with little spits! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
There is much to be learned from the little kids and from the little animals! Little things teach us big things! Small candles too challenge the huge darknesses! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Too much work will create too much motivation for the strong, and a big collapse for the weak! Strength gets great strength from the challenges! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Some little pieces of sand are so full of ego that they see themselves as a giant rock! But then the wind blows, the big ego flies in the air! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
When the whole world starts behaving like a big family, protecting and caring each other, the world will become a good place to live! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Big fish eats small fish; oceans need revolution! Big man beats little man; world needs revolution! Big galaxies swallow little galaxies; universe needs revolution! Anything which is not ethical needs a strong revolution! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
There are two kinds of great power which can shake the earth: Mega earthquakes and big ideas! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
You may live in an unknown small village, but if you have big ideas, the world will come and find you! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
To see the big picture, get out of the dark valleys, climb to the sunny summits! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Big rocks are envy of little sands because little sands can travel with the winds. Every littleness has its own big advantages! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)