Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes man needs great failures today to accomplish great successes tomorrow! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Great passions may either bring great victories or great sorrows! In both cases, it is always a great privilege to have great passions! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Every great quotation carries the power to shape the world like a river (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
In the very darkness of a stupid society, even a little candle deserves a great honour! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Don’t swear at your past; you couldn’t existed without it! It is the only path to reach today and tomorrow! Remember that past is a great teacher who thought us all we know now! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
The roads to the stars are open only to those who grasp the great thoughts! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Religion is not a bridge between God and Man; it is a Great Wall of China between them! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
If everyone bows in front of your wisdom, your greatest wisdom will be to tell them not to bow! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
No sublime wisdom asks to be worshipped or served; the greatest and the most honourable masters are those who refuse to have slaves! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
In the middle of the North Pole, anything hot gives the feeling like touching the hand of the God! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Happiness is the summit of a high mountain; we can visit it, but we can’t stay there! We are forced to go down to the valleys of sadness. (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
He who learns to be happy in nature gains an endless temple for happiness every time he needs! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
We feel very happy in nature but we must be very sure that nature also feels very happy when we are there! Happiness must be mutual! Treat nature well! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
When you are unhappy about something, you can always find thousands of other things to be happy! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Dogs are happy with few things because they have already observed man who is unhappy with many things! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Since there are thousands of reasons to be happy, let us smile so many thousands times! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
A child can be very happy with very simple things; adult must do the same! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Some boats are rotten in the ports; some boats shine in the hard journeys! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
If you have good friends, don’t look for treasure because you are already rich; if you have just treasure, look for good friends, because you are still poor! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Disasters have no mercy hours where they stop visiting the people; for them, all hours are favourite and legitimate to visit! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
What are you waiting for, you little mortal! You have no time! Get up and get out and do something to protect your miraculous existence! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
If you want to be a civilised man, first you have to be a non-violent man! If you want to be a civilised country, first you have to be a non-violent country! Violence is the means of the sick minds; peacefulness is the means of the healthy minds! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Only a sheep with lion’s heart can attack wolf, not the sheep with lion’s teeth or with lion’s claw! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Through helping one another, you can often eliminate the prefix ‘im’ from the word impossible! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Enter the streets that you have never been to for the sake of the concealed beauties and the hidden truths! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
If God is playing hide and seek with us, I must confess that I am quite bored with this childish game! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
The universe has no mind and that’s why it can never reach perfection! Perfection is the art of meticulous high-mind! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Winter is dead; spring is crazy; summer is cheerful and autumn is wise! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
A horrible night might be hidden in a beautiful morning! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
No flower wants to be at home when it is raining outside! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)