Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes

Text Quotes
Talent is an art of gaining admiration! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
A golden tomb is useful only for the thieves! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
The most beautiful carpet is the carpet made of autumn leaves! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Good manners open the closed doors; bad manners close the open doors! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Public is a good expert on making bad mistakes! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Night is a very good and very close friend of a writer! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
In hard times, gold is a good friend and good friend is gold! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
One hundred sparrow does not make one eagle (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
A victory which is not honorable is nothing but a defeat! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Ideas are the invisible Gods of our universe! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Let the world know your dreams, my friend; realise them! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
For a city to be beautiful, it must have a mysterious air! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
The most beautiful face is always the face of the peaceful mind! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Smiling face is always beautiful even if it is hundred years old! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Any shoe which protects your feet in a hard road is a beautiful shoe! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
You need a temple to feel good spiritually? Go to a beautiful garden! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Some bridges are so beautiful that we wish them to be our own home! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
The most beautiful things can only be created by the most free minds! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
A beautiful smile without any reason is the smile of the existence! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
There is a great beauty in little things (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
When you leave the desires behind, you will find the graveyards ahead! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
An unfree mind is just like a windmill inside the bell jar! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Doing of good is the best temple ever built! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
The worst mistakes of your past can be the best lights of your future! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Forest is the best port of the wise man! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Knowledge can protect you much better than a strong castle! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Big storms create big captains and they destroy the little ones! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
The big fire has no right to despise the little spark! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
Where there is little thinking, there is big shaping of the people! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)
He who frees a bird from its cage is surely a holy person! (Mehmet Murat Ildan Quotes)