Melanie Martinez Quotes

Text Quotes
I was always hard on myself for taking things too personally (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
Mark Ryden is my favorite visual artist (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
Cry Baby is just a character in this world that I’m trying to create, and the music videos are really important to me, and I’ve fought to obviously get all of them approved. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
I also made a lot of really great friends on that show [the Voice], so that’s one of the most important things that I’ve taken out of that experience. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
I’m gonna write from personal experience, from emotion, from whatever the hell I’m feeling that day. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
Make sure this [music industry] is what you love to do, and you can’t imagine doing anything else. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
I’m insane, I’m emotional, but I’d rather be that than a robot. So that’s definitely something that I wanted to get out there. Especially with Cry Baby’s story, because the album is about Cry Baby but I realized that me and her went through the same change. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
It’s just weird because like when I was writing Cry Baby I like...the only thing that I was thinking about, when writing it, was the concepts and the visuals, and the way that it sounded kind of happened naturally. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
Cry Baby is a character so I think that the next album is going to be about a specific thing in her life or another place in her world. It’s going to be a bit deeper into a bigger picture. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
When I first started writing the album, Cry Baby was a song that I really wanted to write because it represented all of these personal insecurities that I had for a long time. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
A lot of people say if you can’t love yourself, then you can’t love others. It’s always different, but I definitely have loved a lot in my life. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
I have a few songs that I’m figuring out and writing. I’m still figuring out the whole concept and how it’s gonna connect to Cry Baby, but I have some ideas, yes. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
Cry Baby wasn’t necessarily a baby theme but I understand what they’re saying. So like, Cry Baby is definitely a remaining character throughout all of my albums. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
Eventually I realized that Cry Baby was a character that was based off of me, and that we had a lot of similarities. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
I definitely feel like if I put out a song that was like me being super vulnerable, people would look as me as weak. I don’t know if that has to do with me being a girl, or if that really has to do with anything, but I’m sure. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
The Cry Baby character is so, like, based off of myself that it just really is just from personal experience. And when I was younger I was called a cry baby and made fun of for being super emotional and taking things way to personal. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
I definitely fall in love quickly, and I’m very in love with being in love. But it is hard for me to write about love. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
I think, being emotional is this thing that people think you’re not strong. They don’t look at you as a strong person, and it’s weird ‘cuz honestly being emotional has nothing to do with your strength. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)
I never had a lot of friends growing up so having this insane amount of love and support really means a lot to me. (Melanie Martinez Quotes)