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Unborn children do not have a voice, but they are young members of the human family. It is time to look at the unborn child, and recognize that it is really a young human, who can feel pain and should be treated with care  (Members Quotes) I talked to members of my family, and did some personal research that didn’t really have anything to do with the time and place I was writing about, but that gave me a feeling of the experience of being black in a time and place where it was very difficult to be black  (Members Quotes) I talked to everyone about the project: actors and extras, members of the crew and passers by  (Members Quotes) Right right, because up to that point I had not been a viewer, and I didn’t know alot about the show, it was all new to me and the cast members were wonderful!  (Members Quotes) Their term project consists of a fieldwork collection of folklore that they create by interviewing family members, friends, or anyone they can manage to persuade to serve as an informant  (Members Quotes) I am confident that this legislature will rise above partisan bickering, especially after the public promises its members made last fall, and that it will demonstrate a high capacity for civil service  (Members Quotes) Even within the band, if I cannot manage to persuade the members of what I see to be the next course of action, how do you expect the group to deal with the expectations of thousands of people. It is not possible  (Members Quotes) My overall message for labor members is... That we understand that the benefits of trade are clear, but the disruption and the dislocation are painfully concentrated and we can’t ignore them  (Members Quotes) It is the eternal truth in the political as well as the mystical body, that, where one member suffers, all the members suffer with it  (Members Quotes) Being a songwriter does not rely on an audience or other band members or a camera. I can just sit in a room and write songs  (Members Quotes) There have been a couple of instances prior to now where members of the House have filed resolutions calling for release of the sealed files which were developed during the course of our committee’s investigation  (Members Quotes) Because of the tension and difficulty, I remember trying to do the silliest things when we weren’t rolling cameras, anything to lift the spirits. But once on set, it was important to have full concentration. and I genuinely liked all of the cast members very much  (Members Quotes) The way in which a society organizes the life of its members... Is one project of realization among others. But once the project has become operative in the basic institutions and relations, it tends to become exclusive and to determine the development of the society as a whole  (Members Quotes) It is as absurd to expect members of philosophy departments to be philosophers as it is to expect members of art departments to be artists  (Members Quotes) Democracy demands that elected members be able to realize fully the role for which they have been chosen  (Members Quotes) Our enemy of international terrorism respects no laws of warfare or morality, and its individual members take innocent lives, just to create chaos for news cameras  (Members Quotes) As to the advantages of temperance in the training of the armed forces and of its benefits to the members of the forces themselves, there can be no doubt in the world  (Members Quotes) When it began I wrote this passionate letter to people I knew, studio members, of course, and other people with whom we have worked over the years and I said come and teach our students  (Members Quotes) Our members are very much maligned. Obviously the average age is 60 something, but they all have children and grandchildren, they understand what we need to do, they want to win  (Members Quotes) The idea that some of the members of the smooth, bland variety of second generation of linguistic philosophers undergo perplexity, let alone intellectual cramp, has an element of high comedy  (Members Quotes) A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members; and among the most vulnerable are surely the unborn and the dying  (Members Quotes) The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members... A heart of grace and a soul generated by love  (Members Quotes) It is said that a good brotherly feeling with a sense of equality is the supreme goal to be reached collectively by all members of the community  (Members Quotes) The ideal committee is one with me as the chairman, and two other members in bed with the flu  (Members Quotes) Beauty is nothing else but a just accord and mutual harmony of the members, animated by a healthful constitution  (Members Quotes) The church is made up of individuals. It can do nothing except as its members work, and work together  (Members Quotes) The most merciful thing a large family can do for one of its infant members is to kill it  (Members Quotes) The test of a civilization is in the way that it cares for its helpless members  (Members Quotes) One of my hardest parts of my job is to console the family members who have lost their life  (Members Quotes) Musically, I have more things in common with tons of bands that have no female members  (Members Quotes)
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