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I made hyung frustrated when I was cheering behind him. Even though I don’t know if I was hit hard but it didn’t hurt. People then started saying that Big Bang wasn’t getting along and that Seungri was being bullied by the members, things like that.  (Members Quotes) Generating diverse ideas requires being clear about the kind of input needed and creating multiple ways for diverse team members to share their ideas (e.g. use more than just a brainstorming session).  (Members Quotes) NATO has a special relationship with countries far away from Europe: Australia, Japan, South Korea. They have joint projects and programmes which are being implemented without these countries becoming members of NATO.  (Members Quotes) By operating independently of government aid, the churches . . . avoid the resentment of those who do not want to be forced to contribute to churches to which they do not belong and of their own members who do not welcome being forced to contribute through government taxation.  (Members Quotes) Being whip is working with members, educating them, and trying to move legislation forward  (Members Quotes) As legislators and as Members of Congress, it is our obligation to speak up for those who are being ignored in our society. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) does just that.  (Members Quotes) For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.  (Members Quotes) Compared with members of other nations of Western civilization, the ordinary American is a rationalistic being, and there are close relations between his moralism and his rationalism. Even romanticism, transcendentalism, and mysticism tend to be, in the American culture, rational, pragmatic and optimistic.  (Members Quotes) The frustration of being marginalized often gets misdirected at the most visible members of one’s own community, because they are more accessible than the real agents of marginalization.  (Members Quotes) As one of the most conservative members of Congress and a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I am constantly under attack for my values and beliefs.  (Members Quotes) I believe the world is increasingly in danger of becoming split into groups which cannot communicate with each other, which no longer think of each other as members of the same species.  (Members Quotes) On the Northern Ireland question, for instance, the British and Irish governments prohibit media contact with members of the IRA, but we have always gone ahead, believing in the right to information.  (Members Quotes) My best business decision was to be independent as a musician and artist. My worst was compromising on certain aspects of a deal for the sake of other members of my group when I shouldn’t have, because I was right in the end.  (Members Quotes) I’ve come to learn that the best time to debate family members is when they have good in their mouths.  (Members Quotes) I come from the countryside. I come from a bunch of horticulture family members. My best friend was a farmer’s boy.  (Members Quotes) Sometimes the best way to keep peace in the family is to keep the members of the family apart for awhile.  (Members Quotes) Even someone as photographed and aware of the camera as members of the royal family needs to feel completely comfortable if they are to look their best.  (Members Quotes) Our favorite teams bring people together, keep family members close, bond people from different generations. Some of the happiest moments of my life involve something that happened with one of my teams. Some of the best relationships I ever had were with Boston athletes that I never even met.  (Members Quotes) We must also ensure that we have the best medical care, education, and support for our military service members and their families, both when they serve and when they return to civilian life.  (Members Quotes) Ferrari always tries to get the best possible drivers, and my fellow team members have always been highly promising people.  (Members Quotes) The euro zone must strike for a better governance structure, and there is no alternative to that. Euro zone countries must either develop an exit mechanism for troubled members, or it should embrace a closer political union: an effective governance structure that is capable of enforcing rules.  (Members Quotes) It is our job, as members of parliament, to legislate with an eye to the long term future, to look over the horizon beyond the next election and ensure that as far as we can what we do today will make Australia a better place, a safer place, for future generations to live in.  (Members Quotes) Reasons why members of Congress deserve a pay raise: Many big corporations are cutting back on bribes; nearly half the members have never been indicted.  (Members Quotes) If a pastor focuses only on teaching, he grows members with big ears and rears but tiny hands and hearts.Service is MODELED not taught.  (Members Quotes) The Bill of Rights was intended to secure freedom of speech - the freedom of speech of members of parliament to speak freely rather than be at threat of... the threat of an over powerful monarch at the time.  (Members Quotes) The primary ineluctable facts of the birth and death of each one of the constituent members in a social group determine the necessity of education.  (Members Quotes) The Polish freedom movement of 1968 lost its confrontation with police violence; the Prague Spring was crushed by the armies of five Warsaw Pact members. But in both countries, 1968 gave birth to a new political consciousness.  (Members Quotes) All the other members of the U.N. were admitted, at the outset or subsequently, but Israel was created by the U.N. as a Jewish state, on the motion of Stalin’s ambassador, seconded by President Truman’s.  (Members Quotes) I was kind of the black sheep with the Disney kids. I was uninterested in making friends with most of them. I didn’t really fall into ‘the Disney mold.’ I was more or less the kid hanging out with the crew members and got along with them far better.  (Members Quotes) The liver signifieth the element of water, and it is also the water; for from the liver cometh the blood in the whole body into all the members. The liver is the mother of the blood.  (Members Quotes)
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