Memories Quotes

Text Quotes
Everyone has two memories. The one you can tell and the one that is stuck to the underside of that, the dark, tarry smear of what happened (Memories Quotes)
I tried. I tried to burn that memory of my regret. But I wasn’t dead yet, I was just on my way to dying, and it’s harder to burn memories when you’ve still got life left. When you’re alive you have to learn how to live with things like regret (Memories Quotes)
Earth does not belong to us; we belong to earth. Take only memories, leave nothing but footprints (Memories Quotes)
You will soon discover that in matters of the heart, memories are much kinder than reality (Memories Quotes)
I know a lot about when I was a little girl, because my sister used to keep a diary. Today I keep her diary in a drawer next to by bed. I like to see how her memories were the same as mine, but also different (Memories Quotes)
Children are often envied for their supposed imaginations, but the truth is that adults imagine things far more than children do. Most adults wander the world deliberately blind, living only inside their heads, in their fantasies, in their memories and worries, oblivious to the present, only aware of the past or future (Memories Quotes)
My memories of them had rubbed thin with overuse, worn to frail color transparencies flickering on the walls of my mind (Memories Quotes)
My wife’s dying upstairs and I can’t do anything about it. I look in her face and I see the memories there. I see how I hurt her and how I said the wrong things and how I got angry and how I wasn’t the man she hoped I’d be. I see that in her face and I see she’s going to die with that. You think I’m not preoccupied? (Memories Quotes)
If we do not fill our mind with prayer, it will fill itself with anxieties, worries, temptations, resentments, and unwelcome memories (Memories Quotes)
The books of our childhood offer a vivid door to our own pasts, and not necessarily for the stories we read there, but for the memories of where we were and who we were when we were reading them; to remember a book is to remember the child who read that book (Memories Quotes)
Is this what sadness is all about? Is it what comes over us when beautiful memories shatter in hindsight because the remembered happiness fed not just on actual circumstances but on a promise that was not kept? (Memories Quotes)
The poets and philosophers I once loved had it wrong. Death does not come to us all, nor does the passage of time dim our memories and reduce our bodies to dust. Because while I was considered dead, and a headstone had been engraved with my name, in truth my life was just beginning (Memories Quotes)
The faculty of memory cannot be separated from the imagination. They go hand in hand. To one degree or another, we all invent our personal pasts. And for most of us those pasts are built from emotionally colored memories (Memories Quotes)
This is how memories are; what seems so clear and unforgettable at one moment vanishes like steam the next (Memories Quotes)
Memories were like sunshine. They warmed you up and left a pleasant glow, but you couldn’t hold them (Memories Quotes)
Other memories stick, no matter how much you wish they wouldn’t. They’re like a song you hate but can’t ever get completely out of your head, and this song becomes the background noise of your entire life, snippets of lyrics and lines of music floating up and then receding, a crazy kind of tide that never stops (Memories Quotes)
Not to know what happened before you were born is always to remain a child. For what is a man’s life if it is not linked with the life of future generations by memories of the past? (Memories Quotes)
Its just the anniversary, she wanted to tell him. Its just this time of the year stirring up these memories. Everything will be all right. But she couldn’t say that, because she wasn’t sure it was true (Memories Quotes)
Memories are bullets. Some whiz by and only spook you. Others tear you open and leave you in pieces (Memories Quotes)
I don’t want these memories to become slippery, to just disappear into the thin air of life the way most things seem to. I want them to stick – even the bad ones – so I repeat them often (Memories Quotes)
The past does not only draw us back to the past. There are certain memories of the past that have strong steel springs and, when we who live in the present touch them, they are suddenly stretched taut and then they propel us into the future (Memories Quotes)
You should know that there is little you can seek in this world, that there is no need for you to be so greedy, in the end all you can achieve are memories, hazy, intangible, dreamlike memories which are impossible to articulate. When you try to relate them, there are only sentences, the dregs left from the filter of linguistic structures (Memories Quotes)
The name of the author is the first to go followed obediently by the title, the plot, the heartbreaking conclusion, the entire novel which suddenly becomes one you have never read, never even heard of, as if, one by one, the memories you used to harbor decided to retire to the southern hemisphere of the brain, to a little fishing village where there are no phones (Memories Quotes)
Memories can be everything if we choose to make them so. But you are right: you mustn’t do that. That is for me, and I shall do it (Memories Quotes)
There simply is no way to describe the past without lying. Our memories are not like fiction. They are fiction (Memories Quotes)
Given her deafness, the auditory part of the brain, deprived of its usual input, had started to generate a spontaneous activity of its own, and this took the form of musical hallucinations, mostly musical memories from her earlier life. The brain needed to stay incessantly active, and if it was not getting its usual stimulation..., it would create its own stimulation in the form of hallucinations (Memories Quotes)
It never leaves, not with someone we love. Their presence burns too vivid in our memories. Happen that is as it should be, for otherwise we would too easy forget (Memories Quotes)
It often feels like I’m not so much living for the present as I am busy making memories for the future (Memories Quotes)
It’s regrets that make painful memories. When I was crazy I did everything just right (Memories Quotes)
It may be that the only reason childhood memories act on us so strongly is that, being the most remote we possess, they are the worst remembered and so offer the least resistance to that process by which we mold them nearer and nearer to an ideal which is fundamentally artistic, or at least nonfactual (Memories Quotes)