Memories Quotes

Text Quotes
Cinema is consistently making a claim to particular memories, histories, ways of life, identities, and values that always presuppose some notion of difference, community, and the future. Given that films both reflect and shape public culture, they cannot be defined exclusively through a notion of artistic freedom and autonomy that removes them from any form of critical accountability (Memories Quotes)
I’d rather come back with a few transcendent memories than an album of snapshots (Memories Quotes)
In the end, we all have to decide what we’re willing to give up for payback. We all have parents or grandparents or children who will need us. Agonizing decisions sometimes. You have to weigh the memories and debt against what’s being taken from you (Memories Quotes)
A kiss brings back the youth of a young child, as when a hug brings back the memories of a lover (Memories Quotes)
There are three sides to every story: my side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently (Memories Quotes)
A baby is expected. A trip is expected. News is expected. Forgetfulness is expected. An invitation is expected. Hope is expected. But memories are not expected. They just come (Memories Quotes)
Men who have embraced one idea can live only by and for that idea. Beyond it, they have nothing but their memories (Memories Quotes)
Maybe heaven entailed more than a soul residing in a single place, but instead having pieces of yourself spread among the hearts and memories of people you’ve touched (Memories Quotes)
If I never went home, what exactly would I be missing? I pictured my cold cavernous house, my friendless town full of bad memories, the utterly unremarkable life that had been mapped out for me. It had never once occurred to me, I realized, to refuse it (Memories Quotes)
To be homeward bound, no matter what tragic memories you have harbored, is unlike any voyage a man can ever make (Memories Quotes)
Scars heal, glory fades, and all we’re left with are the memories made. pain hurts, but only for a minute. life is short, so go on and live it (Memories Quotes)
Art is the act of triggering deep memories, of what it means to be fully human (Memories Quotes)
True friends are never forgotten, they live within our hearts and souls... forever, and always, dancing on our stage of memories (Memories Quotes)
Each day is a new life. Each moment is really a new life. What we call memories are really present thoughts. What we call anticipations are really present thoughts. No one has ever lived in any moment except the present (Memories Quotes)
Home is where you hange your memories... Home is where you begin again to dream again (Memories Quotes)
Most of us have fond memories of food from our childhood. Whether it was our mom’s homemade lasagna or a memorable chocolate birthday cake, food has a way of transporting us back to the past (Memories Quotes)
Playing basketball with my teammates was a gift! We can’t play any more but we live the memories each day! (Memories Quotes)
When I write, I make my memories tangible, and in this way I can get rid of them (Memories Quotes)
The little babies are missing their families from their past lives. The babies have old souls and the old souls have to shrink to become little babies. The tears loosen their memories so they can slide away. They cry at the life they have lost, and then they cry at everything they’ll forget (Memories Quotes)
I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die (Memories Quotes)
Everyone, no matter what their cultural background, has a right to discover the sacred in nature; to heal and be redeemed spiritually by nature; and to revere the ancestors. We are all haunted and saved by our memories (Memories Quotes)
Memories are dangerous things. You turn them over and over, until you know every touch and corner, but still you’ll find an edge to cut you (Memories Quotes)
Memory is all we are. Moments and feelings, captured in amber, strung on filaments of reason. Take a man’s memories and you take all of him. Chip away a memory at a time and you destroy him as surely as if you hammered nail after nail through his skull (Memories Quotes)
Each day the memories weigh a little heavier. Each day they drag you down that bit further. You wind them around you, a single thread at a time, and you weave your own shroud, you build a cocoon, and in it madness grows (Memories Quotes)
In my defence I can only say that her past, too, like mine, like everyone’s in fact, was a locked box. Occasionally we allow people a peep, but generally only at the top level. The darker streams of our memories we negotiate alone (Memories Quotes)
I think it’s a universal thing in every family, that people have their own specific versions of pivotal events or even small memories (Memories Quotes)
What takes us back to the past are the memories. What brings us forward is our dreams (Memories Quotes)
Adventure is important in life. Making memories matters. It doesn’t have to be a secret sea plane and an historic sports moment. But to have a great life, you need great memories. Grab any intriguing offer. Say yes to a challenge, and to the unknown. Be creative in adding drama and scope to your own life. Work at it, like a job. Money from effort comes and goes. But effort from imagination and following adventure creates stories that you keep forever. And anyone can do it (Memories Quotes)
Your youth is the most important thing you will ever have. It’s when you will connect to music like a primal urge, and the memories attached to the songs will never leave you. Please hold on to everything. Keep every note, mix tape, concert ticket stub, and memory you have of music from your youth. It’ll be the one thing that might keep you young, even if you aren’t anymore (Memories Quotes)
Memories shift like loose snow in a wind, or are a chorale of ghosts all talking over one another. There is only ever a sense that what is real to me is not real to others, and to share a memory with someone is to risk sullying my belief in what has truly happened (Memories Quotes)